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YNAB API Python Library

Note: This is an unofficial Python library for interacting with the YNAB API. This library is not developed or supported by YNAB.

The YNAB API is currently only available to Early Access users. You can request access to the API by filling out this form. For the full details of API usage and endpoints, see

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project using the YNAB API spec.


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

Coming soon...

Getting Started

import ynab

# Define your API key
ynab_config = ynab.configuration.Configuration()
ynab_config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'api_key'
ynab_config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

# Initialize the API client
api_client = ynab.api_client.ApiClient(configuration=ynab_config)

# Get a list of all budgets and print their names
budget_response = ynab.BudgetsApi(api_client).get_budgets()
for budget in

# Data can also be used a dictionary

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi get_account_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id}/accounts/{account_id} Single account
AccountsApi get_accounts GET /budgets/{budget_id}/accounts Account list
BudgetsApi get_budget_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id} Single budget
BudgetsApi get_budgets GET /budgets List budgets
CategoriesApi get_categories GET /budgets/{budget_id}/categories List categories
CategoriesApi get_category_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id}/categories/{category_id} Single category
MonthsApi get_budget_month GET /budgets/{budget_id}/months/{month} Single budget month
MonthsApi get_budget_months GET /budgets/{budget_id}/months List budget months
PayeeLocationsApi get_payee_location_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payee_locations/{payee_location_id} Single payee location
PayeeLocationsApi get_payee_locations GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payee_locations List payee locations
PayeeLocationsApi get_payee_locations_by_payee GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payees/{payee_id}/payee_locations List locations for a payee
PayeesApi get_payee_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payees/{payee_id} Single payee
PayeesApi get_payees GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payees List payees
ScheduledTransactionsApi get_scheduled_transaction_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id}/scheduled_transactions/{scheduled_transaction_id} Single scheduled transaction
ScheduledTransactionsApi get_scheduled_transactions GET /budgets/{budget_id}/scheduled_transactions List scheduled transactions
TransactionsApi bulk_create_transactions POST /budgets/{budget_id}/transactions/bulk Bulk create transactions
TransactionsApi create_transaction POST /budgets/{budget_id}/transactions Create new transaction
TransactionsApi get_transactions GET /budgets/{budget_id}/transactions List transactions
TransactionsApi get_transactions_by_account GET /budgets/{budget_id}/accounts/{account_id}/transactions List account transactions
TransactionsApi get_transactions_by_category GET /budgets/{budget_id}/categories/{category_id}/transactions List category transactions
TransactionsApi get_transactions_by_id GET /budgets/{budget_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} Single transaction
TransactionsApi get_transactions_by_payee GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payees/{payee_id}/transactions List payee transactions
TransactionsApi update_transaction PUT /budgets/{budget_id}/transactions/{transaction_id} Updates an existing transaction
UserApi get_user GET /user User info

Documentation For Models


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