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Thomas Bergwinkl edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Present: @bergos, @RubenVerborgh, @l00mi, [@nicola]

  • sync / async
    • sync is on top of async?
    • streams could be good
    • schema:
    • same interface for sync and async
      • .match(…) = stream
      • .match(…).toArray() = array
  • what about graphs?
    • nquads = graphs , how they relate?
      • is a graph just a collection of quads with the same .graph property?
      • RDF-ext has graph interface (sync) and store interface (async)
      • better to be named store/collection/container interface?
  • two interfaces
    • source
      • should be possible to inject factory object
    • sink
    • => any object can be one or both
  • Interfaces (on different levels)
  • Other
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