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Efficient Bioinformatics Workflows for High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis


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🧬 Combinatorial Bioinformatic Meta-Framework

Efficient Bioinformatics Workflows for High-Throughput Sequence Analysis

πŸ”­ Overview

The Combinatorial Bioinformatic Meta-Framework (CBMF) is a single point of access to thousands of biomedical research software packages with additional tools and resources for analyzing high-throughput sequencing data. By leveraging the power of the micromamba package manager to create conda environments, install software and manage dependencies. The framework is designed to be modular, allowing users to select the tools they need for their specific analyses.

πŸ“„ Abstract

The rapid growth of next-generation sequencing technologies has generated an unprecedented volume of biological data, posing significant challenges for bioinformatics analysis. Traditional scripting approaches often lack reproducibility and can be complex for users without extensive programming expertise. This project introduces a collection of Linux shell scripts designed to address these challenges. These scripts implement standardized workflows for quality control, alignment, and report generation tasks across diverse datasets. By automating these processes, the scripts ensure reproducibility, minimize human error, and promote consistent data processing. This suite offers a scalable and reliable solution for comprehensive bioinformatics analysis, representing an important advancement in making high-throughput sequencing data more accessible and manageable for the broader research community.

πŸš€ Quick Start

Clone the repository and run initialization script in the cbmf directory:

git clone && cd cbmf && cbmf init

Then skip ahead to the Sequencing Workflows section. Otherwise, read on for more information about the CBMF, how it works, and how to use it.

πŸ“¦ Package Management

Bundled with the CBMF is the lightweight package manager micromamba with access to the entire suite of bioinformatics software available on Bioconda1, a channel for the conda package manager (including all available Bioconductor2 software.

Micromamba is not a conda distribution, but a statically linked C++ executable that can be used to install conda environments. It is a lightweight binary that handles the installation of conda environments without root privileges, or the need for a base environment or a Python installation, making it ideal for use in high-performance computing clusters.

If you want to install it on your own, skip the init scripts and run:

"$SHELL" <(curl -L

CBMF comes with some sensible defaults and pre-configured environments for common bioinformatics tasks, but users can easily create their own environments using the Mamba API.

🧬 Sequencing Workflows

The following sections outline the steps involved in analyzing high-throughput sequencing data:

  1. Demultiplexing
  2. Quality Control
  3. Alignment
  4. Assembly and Quantification

But first, a quick note on file types and formats:


This table is a work in progress and may not be complete.

File Type Description Typical Extension
FASTQ Raw reads from sequencer (often compressed) .fastq, .fastq.gz
FASTA Sequence data .fasta, .fa, .fna
GTF Gene Transfer Format (GFF2 variant) .gtf, .gtf.gz
GFF General Feature Format .gff3, .gff3.gz
SAM Sequence Alignment/Map .sam, .sam.gz
BAM Binary Alignment/Map .bam
CRAM Compressed Reference-oriented Alignment Map .cram
VCF Variant Call Format .vcf,
BED Browser Extensible Data .bed,
TSV Tab-Separated Values .tsv,
CSV Comma-Separated Values .csv,
JSON JavaScript Object Notation .json,
Markdown Markup language for documentation .md, .markdown
TXT Plain Text .txt,
md5 Checksum for file integrity .md5, .txt

πŸ”€ Demultiplexing

Skip this section and read about Quality Control if you have already received the demultiplexed FASTQ files.

The following command is the default bcl2fastq command for demultiplexing on the Nextseq, but with the --no-lane-splitting option added to combine the reads from all four lanes into a single FASTQ file:

bcl2fastq --no-lane-splitting \
    --ignore-missing-bcls \
    --ignore-missing-filter \
    --ignore-missing-positions \
    --ignore-missing-controls \
    --auto-set-to-zero-barcode-mismatches \
    --find-adapters-with-sliding-window \
    --adapter-stringency 0.9 \
    --mask-short-adapter-reads 35 \
    --minimum-trimmed-read-length 35 \
    -R "$run_folder" \
    -o "$output_folder" \
    --sample-sheet "$sample_sheet" \

You can copy and paste this command if you set the variables $run_folder, $output_folder, and $sample_sheet to the appropriate values.


As of this document's last revision, bcl2fastq is no longer supported; use bclconvert if you have a used recent Illumina sequencer (NovaSeq, NextSeq 1000/2000, etc.).

πŸ” Quality Control

Quality control is an essential step in the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data. It allows us to assess the quality of the reads and identify any issues that may affect downstream analysis, like adapter contamination or low-quality reads. More interesting quality issues include GC bias, mitochondrial contamination, and over-representation of certain sequences.

Tool Description Source
FastQC3 Generates html reports containing straightforward metrics GitHub
GATK4 Analyzes high-throughput sequencing data GitHub
Picard Tools Manipulates high-throughput sequencing data Comes packaged with GATK4
MultiQC[^4] Aggregates results from bioinformatics analyses GitHub

To run these QC applications, you need a suitable Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Let micromamba handle the installation of the JRE and the tools from bioconda:

micromamba create -n qc -c conda-forge -c bioconda fastqc gatk4 picard multiqc
micromamba run -n qc fastqc -o <output_dir> <fastq_file>

You can also use the qc configuration file in the dev folder to create the environment:

micromamba env create -f dev/qc.yml
micromamba activate qc


After aligning the reads to the reference genome, these tools can be re-ran on the resulting SAM/BAM files to ensure that the alignment was successful or to consolidate the results from paired-end sequencing.

πŸ—οΈ Alignment

Before we can analyze the data, we need to align the reads to a reference genome. Before aligning the reads, we need download the reference genome and build the index files. The most recent major releases from NCBI Datasets can be found on the Genome Reference Consortium page.

Reference Genomes

species assembly release date accession ftp link
human GRCh38 xxxx-xx-xx GCA_000001405.15 ftp
mouse GRCm39 xxxx-xx-xx GCA_000001635.9 ftp


Skip building indexes from scratch and use the pre-built indexes for bowtie2, bwa, and hisat2 and samtools in the seqs_for_alignment_pipelines.ucsc_ids folder. (It even has the 'GTT' and 'GFF' annotation files we'll need later).


Tool Description Key Features Best For Source
BWA5 Maps short DNA sequences to reference genome - Uses Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) for indexing
- Efficient for short reads
- Supports paired-end reads
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Exome Sequencing GitHub
STAR6 Specialized for RNA-Seq alignment - Uses seed-extension search
- Detects novel splice junctions
- Fast and accurate for long reads
RNA-Seq, especially with long reads GitHub
HISAT27 Splice-aware aligner for DNA and RNA sequences - Uses graph-based alignment
- Memory-efficient
- Supports both DNA and RNA alignment
RNA-Seq, WGS, particularly for large genomes GitHub
Bowtie28 Efficient short read aligner - Uses FM-index (similar to BWT)
- Supports gapped, local, and paired-end alignment
- Memory-efficient
ChIP-seq, WGS GitHub
Subread9 Seed-and-vote algorithm-based aligner - Fast and accurate
- Supports indel detection
- Includes read counting functionality (featureCounts)
RNA-Seq, DNA-Seq GitHub
Subjunc10 Exon-exon junction detector (part of Subread package) - Detects novel exon-exon junctions
- Uses seed-and-vote algorithm
- Can be used independently or with Subread
RNA-Seq, specifically for junction detection GitHub


(Work in progress)

πŸ”¬ Assembly and Quantification

Read the wiki for details on experiment-specific processing and analysis.

πŸ“‘ Additional Resources

Writing guides:

Nerd stuff:

Message boards:


πŸ‘ Acknowledgements

Shout out to these awesome docs:

Thank you to my labmates in the Palomero Lab for their feedback and guidance.


  1. GrΓΌning, B., Dale, R., SjΓΆdin, A. et al. Bioconda: sustainable and comprehensive software distribution for the life sciences. Nat Methods 15, 475–476 (2018). ↩

  2. Gentleman, R.C., Carey, V.J., Bates, D.M. et al. Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics. Genome Biol 5, R80 (2004). ↩

  3. Andrews S. (2010). FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. Available online at: ↩

  4. McKenna A, Hanna M, Banks E, et al. The Genome Analysis Toolkit: a MapReduce framework for analyzing next-generation DNA sequencing data. Genome Res. 2010;20(9):1297-1303. PMID: 20644199 ↩

  5. Li H. and Durbin R. (2009) Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler Transform. Bioinformatics, 25:1754-60. PMID: 19451168 ↩

  6. Dobin A, Davis CA, Schlesinger F, et al. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner. Bioinformatics. 2013;29(1):15-21. PMID: 23104886 ↩

  7. Kim D, Langmead B, Salzberg SL. HISAT: a fast spliced aligner with low memory requirements. Nat Methods. 2015;12(4):357-360. PMID: 25751142 ↩

  8. Langmead B, Salzberg SL. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nat Methods. 2012;9(4):357-359. PMID: 22388286 ↩

  9. Liao Y, Smyth GK, Shi W. The Subread aligner: fast, accurate and scalable read mapping by seed-and-vote. Nucleic Acids Research. 2013;41(10):e108. PMID: 23558742 ↩

  10. Liao Y, Smyth GK, Shi W. The R package Rsubread is easier, faster, cheaper and better for alignment and quantification of RNA sequencing reads. Nucleic Acids Research. 2019;47(8):e47. PMID: 30783653 ↩


Efficient Bioinformatics Workflows for High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis








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