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This is the repo for the website:

Some details

  • uses grunt-bake plugin, to concatenate all those boring html files
  • uses git-ftp to deploy using FTP from the console
  • uses grt-youtube-popup GRT Youtube Popup - jQuery Plugin

How to build ?

  • just launch grunt watch (or just run grunt bake for single operation only)

  • and then edit the html files inside the /app folder and they will be concataned automatically to the root folder

  • NEVER EDIT the html files on the root folder as they will be overwritten by the grunt watch

  • to add new html files just configure and add them to the file Gruntfile.js

  • I have created a npm script on package.json that should be executed like this

    npm run git -- 'message here'

    this will do a git push and git ftp push

How to deploy with GIT FTP ?

  • Setup

    git config git-ftp.url ""

    git config git-ftp.user "ftp-user"

    git config git-ftp.password "secr3t"

  • Or if the files are already there

    git ftp catchup

  • Work and deploy

    echo "new content" >> index.txt

    git commit index.txt -m "Add new content"

    git ftp push