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Join the chat at A reactive, non-blocking, asynchronous driver for MongoDB 3.0 using ReactiveStreams as implemented by akka-streams.

RxMongo Status

RxMongo is nearing completion of a working pre-release. Current work centers on making the BSON interface perform well, simplifying the construction of Codecs, adding a Codec code generator via macros, and adding higher level interfaces for collections of homogenous and heterogenous documents. The current implementation uses Akka IO not akka-streams. Conversion to akka-streams will occur once akka-streams performance is sufficiently advantageous.

Quick Start

Stable: Scala 2.11, SBT 0.13.7, Mongo 3.0

  • Not available yet. This is expected in early 2016

Development: Scala 2.11, SBT 0.13.7, Mongo 3.0

A pre-release version, 0.1-SNAPSHOT, is available on Sonatype Snapshots repository. Use the following SBT incantations to include it in your project. Please note that while this version works to some degree it is far from being complete or stable. It is suggested that you wait for 0.1 to be completed before basing any work on it. By then the basics of the API should be stabilized.

resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies := "com.reactific" %% "rxmongo-client" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

Other packages you can access are rxmongo-driver (lower level driver interface), rxmongo-examples (sample programs using RxMongo), and rxmongo-bson (Binary JSON interface for RxMongo).


RxMongo is similar in purpose to ReactiveMongo, but not in implementation. RxMongo has the same aim, however: to provide a highly performant and scalable non-blocking asynchronous driver in Scala for MongoDB. Some attempts were made to modify ReactiveMongo but when it became apparent that the desired changes amounted to a re-write, we decided to start over from a fresh slate and let ReactiveMongo inform our design. RxMongo differs in its approach by emphasizing performance over ease of use and minimizing dependencies. It utilizes Akka for nearly everything (logging, I/O, streams, actors, configuration, etc.) and is reticent to depend on other packages.

The goals of RxMongo are to provide the best performing non-blocking, asynchronous Scala driver for MongoDB that is provably correct and production ready. This will be accomplished by using reactive programming principles, ensuring that every necessary construct has a full test suite, and requiring commits to pass every test so the project never regresses.

RxMongo also seeks to maintain a clean and stable API for interacting with MongoDB that matches the documented MongoDB interface but also makes use of Scala's many features so the API is not tedious to use.

Important Design Points

Low Level BSON Interface

Many Scala implementations of BSON use a variety of case classes to model the contents of a bson document and then serialize or deserialize accordingly. RxMongo takes a different approach. An RxMongo BSONObject simply wraps an Akka ByteString which is a rope-like data structure that avoids buffer copying. RxMongo provides a builder for constructing a BSON Object that directly constructs a ByteString with a ByteStringBuilder. At the end, you have a buffer that is ready to be written to an I/O channel. Similarly, data streams read from the mongod are interpreted with a BSONDocument which is used as the underlying representation of a BSONObject or BSONArray. BSONDocument simply interprets the ByteString data instead of copying it into lots of case classes. Data can be extracted to other forms, but that is always a choice, not automatic. The goal of all this is to eliminate data copying to and from the BSON binary format which is one of the key requirements for a driver that performs well.

Efficient Query Builder DSL

MongoDB suggests the use of various keywords (e.g. $ne, $gte, $exists) in BSONObjects to implement queries and other features. This is supported directly in RxMongo by adding a DSL layer on top of the BSONBuilder class. This remains efficient because what is generated directly from the DSL is a BSON binary buffer that can be sent to the server without further copying.

Reactive Streams Based Interface

RxMongo is based on akka-streams which is an implementation of Reactive Streams, and not much else. RxMongo uses the akka-streams internally but also provides akka-stream concepts (Sink, Source, Flow) in its API so that RxMongo can be included in larger Flow Graphs. For example, an RxMongo Cursor can be obtained as a Source[BSON.Object] which can then be processed with any Flow or connected to a Sink of some sort. Becasue of this, the application writer need not worry about buffering as back pressure is communicated all the way through and dealt with at the interface to mongod.

Two API Levels: Driver & Client

RxMongo has two ways to interact with it: Driver and Client. The Driver interface is flexible and highly performant, while the Client interface is easy to use but has some overheads. Which level you pick depends on the nature of your application.

In the Driver interface, you ask the Driver object to get you a connection to a MongoDB replica set. This gets you an ActorRef to a Connection actor that you can use to communicate with the MongoDB server. The Connection actor can take RequestMessage objects that encapsulate the wire protocol for Mongo. If the request is due a reply, you get back a ReplyMessage. Creating RequestMessage objects is very efficient and minimizes buffer copies.

In the Client interface, you ask the Client object to open Database and Collection objects. Each of those classes have methods that allow you to manipulate the databases and collections in your mongo server. These Client API classes translate your method invocations into the corresponding Driver calls. This part of the API also provides a set of abstractions for variant collections, named queries, and other utilities to make using Mongo simpler.

Full Featured for Mongo 3.0

By the 1.0 release, RxMongo will fully support all Mongo 3.0 features and is aimed at the Mongo 3.0 release. Backwards compatibility with 2.6 may be offered but at a lower priority. Compatibility with versions prior to 2.6 will not be offered.

Getting Started

Working With BSONObject

Mongo uses a data format known as BSON (Binary JSON) which uses a dozen or so basic types to represent nested data structures. Most often you will use a BSONObject which is often confused with a BSONDocument but documents include BSONArray as well. RxMongo makes a distinction between these two by having both BSONObject and BSONArray derive from BSONDocument. BSONDocuments are, essentially, a Map[String,BSONValue]. BSONObjects can be constructed quite simply, however, since their constructor accepts a Map[String,Any] and does the corresponding translations from Any to BSONValue. This works for most typical data types. Where you need a specialized translator, you can write a Codec (see below).

val BSONObj = BSONObject(
    "double" -> 42.0D,
    "string" -> "fourty-two",
    "obj" -> Helper.anObject,
    "array" -> Helper.anArray,
    "map" -> map,
    "binary" ->,
    "undefined" -> null,
    "boolean" -> true,
    "date" -> date,
    "regex" -> regex,
    "integer" -> 42,
    "long" -> 42L

Connecting With RxMongo Client

To make a high-level connection to MongoDB, use the Client interface. The code below shows how to create the client [1], obtain a database from the client [2], obtain a collection from the database [3], query the collection [4], obtain the results [5], and handle query errors [6].

package rxmongo.examples

import rxmongo.bson.{RxMongoError, BSONObject}
import rxmongo.client.Client

object ClientBasics extends App {

  // [1] Make a connection to the mydb database on the local host
  val client = Client("mongodb://localhost/mydb")

  // [2] Obtain a database from the client
  val db = client.database("mydb")

  // [3] Obtain a collection from the database
  val coll = db.collection("mycoll")

  // [4] Query the collection for documents with the name "foo"
  coll.query("name" -> "foo") map {
    case results: Seq[BSONObject] =>
      // [5] We got an answer to our query, print the results
      println("Results: " + results)
  } recover {
    case xcptn: RxMongoError =>
      // [6] We got an error in our query, print the error message
      println("Error in query: " + xcptn)

Connecting With RxMongo Driver

Alternatively, you can make a low-level connection to MongoDB via the Driver interface. The code below shows how to instantiate the driver[1], connect to a MongoDB instance using a Mongodb URL [2], create a query message [3], send a query and get its response in a non-blocking fashion [4], and decode the reply from MongoDB [5].

package rxmongo.examples

import akka.pattern.ask

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

import rxmongo.driver._
import rxmongo.bson._


/** Basic Driver Example
  * This example shows how to instantiate the driver[1], connect to a MongoDB instance using a
  * Mongodb URL [2], create a query message [3], send a query and get its response in a non-blocking
  * fashion [4], and decode the reply from MongoDB [5].
object DriverBasics extends App {

  // You can specify your own timeout for asynchronous calls instead of using this default value from Driver.
  implicit val timeout = Driver.defaultTimeout

  // [1] Instantiate with a specific configuration and a specific name for the driver
  val driver = Driver(ConfigFactory.load("rxmongo"), "MyDriver")

  // [2] Make a connection to database "mydb" on the local host at the default port and set the
  // maxPoolSize configuration value to 19 so at most 19 channels to the server will be open. This
  // will yield a Future[ActorRef] in "conn". If the connection succeeds, conn will have a value
  // that can be used to talk to the members of a MongoDB replica set.
  val conn = driver.connect("mongodb://localhost/mydb?maxPoolSize=19")

  // [3] Create a query message to find the documents with the name "foo" in the mydb.mycoll namespace.
  // You can also create all of the other kinds of messages that MongoDB supports.
  val msg = QueryMessage("mydb.mycoll", numberToSkip=0, numberToReturn=1, BSONObject("name" -> "foo"))

  // [4] When the connection is successful, extract the ActorRef and send it the query using the ask pattern
  // which will asynchronously deliver a ReplyMessage when the response comes back from MongoDB. {
    case connection: ActorRef =>
      connection.ask(msg).map {
        case reply: ReplyMessage =>
          // [5] We got a reply from MongoDB, now we need to decipher it. The numberReturned field tells us how
          // many documents were returned by the query. If we got at least one, just print out the head document.
          if (reply.numberReturned > 0) {
            println("Document returned: " + reply.documents.head)
          } else if (reply.QueryFailure) {
            // In this case, there was something wrong with the query.
            println("Query Failed")
          } else {
            // Chances are if you run this program, you will get this output because you don't have a
            // database named "mydb.mycoll" and if you do, it probably doesn't have a document whose
            // name field is "foo".
            println("No results: " + reply)
      } recover {
        case xcptn: Throwable =>
          // If the query fails for any reason, you can recover from it here.
          println("Error from MongoDB: " + xcptn)
  } recover {
    case xcptn: Throwable =>
      // If the connection fails for any reason, you can recover from it here.
      println("Could not connect to MongoDB: " + xcptn)

Writing A Codec

A Codec is a small object that can encode and decode values into and out of a ByteString. This allows all manner of Scala objects to be placed into a byte buffer with the conversions handled implicitly.

example TBD


A reactive, non-blocking, asynchronous driver for MongoDB







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