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Good Beer Day?

A simple wed application that allows you to view a five day forecast, based on the conditions it will tell you if it is or isn't a good day to enjoy a beer outdoors. On the days that are enjoyable, you can then choose to view local breweries information in your area.

User Story

AS A person that loves enjoying a beer outdoors on a beautiful day.,
I want to view which upcoming days is great to be outdoors.
So I can either make a spontaneous trip, or plan ahead which brewery(or breweries) to visit.

The following image demonstrates the application's functionality:

appication demo

Project on Github

Respository -

Live -

Process - Technology Used

Zurb Foundation CSS Framework

Big use specifically of their grid system


Weather Information:

Brewery List:

Third Party Libraries

Slick Slider:

Process - Roles

Angel Cooper

Initial/ Static HTML & CSS

Reagan Grunwald

JS logic Lead - API Calls, Local Storage, CLick Events etc.

David Rojo

Porject Management & QA

Wireframes & Design Elements

Third Party JS Library Integration

Final CSS styling and adjustments