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SBE Tool Maven

Martin Thompson edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 65 revisions

The SBE Tool does not have a dedicated Maven plugin, but it is possible to run SBE code generation using the MojoHaus exec-maven-plugin and build-helper-maven-plugin.


To use the SBE Tool as part of your Maven build:

  1. Add Agrona to your project <dependencies>
  2. Place your SBE schema file in a location of your choice (eg src/main/resources/schema.xml)
  3. Use exec-maven-plugin to invoke the SBE Tools code generator
  4. Use build-helper-maven-plugin to include generated directories in your compilation classpath
  5. Execute a goal that includes the generate-sources phase (most typically mvn clean install)

You do not need to add SBE Tool itself to your project classpath, as all runtime requirements are provided by the Agrona dependency. You will only need SBE Tool as a dependency of the exec-maven-plugin, as shown below.

The following configuration will implement the two MojoHaus plugins:


Directory Structure

src/main/resources/schema.xml (your SBE schema)
src/main/java (your main and test classes can all reference the SBE Tool-generated types)
target/generated-sources/java (SBE Tool-generated sources)


The above configuration causes any goal that includes the generate-sources phase to generate the SBE schema-defined types. This occurs before your own classes are compiled, therefore enabling them to refer to the SBE-generated types. Some typical goals that include the generate-sources phase includes compile, test and install.

Any SBE Schema errors will be displayed in the console. You may wish to enable additional SBE Tool properties such as sbe.validation.xsd, sbe.validation.stop.on.error and sbe.validation.warnings.fatal to halt the build on error.

Additional Parameters

Additional SBE parameters can be added in the <systemProperties> element. The available parameters are documented in the SBE Tool Guide.

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