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Nathaniel Sherry edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 3 revisions

Value Device with Accessors

This example shows how to create a simple value device, and how to set it

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

        // Create an event bus to tie our nodes together
        DeviceEventBus bus = new IDeviceEventBus();

        // Create a simple value device which stores a single value with a
        // getter and setter. Set the value to "Hello"
        ValueDevice device = new IValueDevice("id", bus);

        // Create an accessor for this device
        DeviceAccessor<String> accessor = new IDeviceAccessor<>("id-accessor", "id", bus);
        // The accessor will query the device automatically on startup
        System.out.println(accessor.getState()); // "Hello"
        // Send a SET message with the payload "World"

        // Messages are delivered asynchronously

        System.out.println(device.getValue()); // "World"
        System.out.println(accessor.getState()); // "World"

Command Device

// Create a new device which responds to commands to add and subtract a
// value
public class MyDevice extends IValueDevice<Integer>implements CommandDevice {

    private CommandDispatcher dispatcher;

    public MyDevice(String id, DeviceEventBus bus) {
        super(id, bus);
        dispatcher = new CommandDispatcher(this, bus);

    public CommandDispatcher getCommandDispatcher() {
        return dispatcher;

    public void add(@Arg int value) {
        setValue(getValue() + value);

    public void subtract(@Arg int value) {
        setValue(getValue() - value);

    public void addThenMultiply(@Arg("toAdd") int add, @Arg("toMult") int mult) {
        int newValue = (getValue() + add) * mult;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

        // Create an event bus to tie our nodes together
        DeviceEventBus bus = new IDeviceEventBus();

        MyDevice device = new MyDevice("int", bus);
        CommandsAccessor<Integer> accessor = new ICommandsAccessor<>("int-accessor", "int", bus);

        System.out.println(accessor.getState()); // 0

        accessor.sendCommand("add", 5);
        System.out.println(accessor.getState()); // 5

        accessor.sendCommand("subtract", 3);
        System.out.println(accessor.getState()); // 2

        accessor.sendCommand(new Command("add-mult").property("toAdd", 1).property("toMult", 2));
        System.out.println(accessor.getState()); // 6


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