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An implementation of the Scmutils system for math and physics investigations in the Clojure language. Scmutils is extensively used in the textbooks The Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics and Functional Differential Geometry by G.J. Sussman and J. Wisdom.

These books can be thought of as spiritual successors to The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, a very influential text--as I can attest, since carefully reading this book in my 30s changed my life as a programmer. To see the same techniques applied to differential geometry and physics is an irresistible lure.

Scmutils is an excellent system, but it is written in an older variant of LISP (Scheme) and is tied to a particular implementation of Scheme—MIT/GNU Scheme. (There is a port to Guile, but due to the fact that Guile does not support MIT Scheme's apply hooks some glue code is required to run examples from the book in that environment.)

Having the system in Clojure offers a number of advantages. It is not necessary to obtain or prepare a MIT/GNU Scheme executable to execute: only a Java runtime is required. It does not require the X Window System for graphics, as MIT Scheme does. All of the standard tooling for Java and Clojure become available, and this is a lot compared to what we get with MIT/GNU scheme. Clojure support is now extensive in any number of editors and IDEs. The MIT/Scheme distribution (apparently) must be rebuilt if you wish to hack on the Scheme code providing the mathematics implementation; whereas in this Clojure implementation, you can test out new ideas and enhancements directly in the REPL (or a REPL server) at will.

You can invoke the system from within Java code or use any Java packages you like together with the mathematics system. It's my hope that continuing this project will extend the reach of SICM and FDG by allowing experimentation and collaboration with them in modern environments.


Rather than just quasi-mechanically translate the Scheme to Clojure, I have studied the implementation of the system before bringing it to Clojure, and have used TDD throughout the project (which turned out to be absolutely essential as I considered various approaches to problems posed by the Scheme code base). At this writing there are over 1500 unit tests.

The implementation is not complete. My goal was to create a system that could execute the example code in SICM and FDG directly from the book, to the extent possible. I started with SICM, as the requirements seemed the lesser; FDG code is written at a higher level of abstraction. Starting with nothing, I tried to push the frontier of the new code ever closer to approaching being able to execute the book examples.

Naturally, this was harder than I thought. I began with the generic operation system. Fortunately the lecture notes GJS provides for his 6.945 class in Symbolic Programming provided some clues as to where to begin. With this implemented, some simple algebra over symbols was possible. Handing structured objects (up and down tuples, the system's analogs for contra- and covariant vectors) was fun. What was less fun was understanding how the simplifier works with the polynomial systems: that took a while! Finally I got differentiation working, and then some of the book examples began to work.

As of this writing, all of the code presented in SICM, editions 1 and 2, will execute correctly. Work has begun on FDG.

What's "working" now

; Scheme
(define ((L-central-polar m U) local)
  (let ((q (coordinate local))
        (qdot (velocity local)))
    (let ((r (ref q 0)) (phi (ref q 1))
          (rdot (ref qdot 0)) (phidot (ref qdot 1)))
      (- (* 1/2 m
           (+ (square rdot)
              (square (* r phidot))) )
         (U r)))))
; Clojure
(defn L-central-polar [m U]
  (fn [[_ [r] [rdot φdot]]]
    (- (* 1/2 m
          (+ (square rdot)
             (square (* r φdot))))
       (U r))))

We can see a few things from this example. L-central-polar wants to compute a Lagrangian for a point mass m in a potential field U. In Scheme, it's possible to specify currying at the site of a function's definition: (L-central-polar m U) returns a function of the local tuple (a sequence of time, generalized coordinates, and generalized velocities). We don't have that syntax in Clojure, but instead have something even more useful: argument destructuring. We can pick out exactly the coordinates we want out of the local tuple components directly.

While function definitions cannot be typed directly from the book, function applications in Clojure and Scheme are the same. The following works in both systems:

(((Lagrange-equations (L-central-polar 'm (literal-function 'U)))
  (up (literal-function 'r)
      (literal-function 'φ)))


 (+ (* -1N m (expt ((D φ) t) 2) (r t)) (* m (((expt D 2) r) t)) ((D U) (r t)))
 (+ (* 2N m ((D φ) t) (r t) ((D r) t)) (* m (expt (r t) 2) (((expt D 2) φ) t))))

Which, modulo a few things, is what Scmutils would give. From later in SICM (pp. 81-2) we have, in Scheme:

(define ((T3-spherical m) state)
  (let ((t (time state))
        (q (coordinate state))
        (qdot (velocity state)))
    (let ((r (ref q 0))
          (theta (ref q 1))
          (phi (ref q 2))
          (rdot (ref qdot 0))
          (thetadot (ref qdot 1))
          (phidot (ref qdot 2)))
      (* 1/2 m
         (+ (square rdot)
            (square (* r thetadot))
            (square (* r (sin theta) phidot)))))))

(define (L3-central m Vr)
  (define (Vs state)
    (let ((r (ref (coordinate state) 0)))
      (Vr r)))
  (- (T3-spherical m) Vs))

(((partial 1) (L3-central ’m (literal-function ’V)))
  (up ’t
      (up ’r ’theta ’phi)
      (up ’rdot ’thetadot ’phidot)))

And in Clojure, using a couple of simplifying definitions:

(def V (literal-function 'V))
(def spherical-state (up 't
                         (up 'r 'θ 'φ)
                         (up 'rdot 'θdot 'φdot)))
(defn T3-spherical [m]
  (fn [[t [r θ φ] [rdot θdot φdot]]]
    (* 1/2 m (+ (square rdot)
                (square (* r θdot))
                (square (* r (sin θ) φdot))))))

(defn L3-central [m Vr]
  (let [Vs (fn [[_ [r]]] (Vr r))]
    (- (T3-spherical m) Vs)))

(((partial 1) (L3-central 'm V)) spherical-state)


 (+ (* m r (expt φdot 2) (expt (sin θ) 2)) (* m r (expt θdot 2)) (* -1 ((D V) r)))
 (* m (expt r 2) (expt φdot 2) (sin θ) (cos θ))

Which again agrees with Scmutils modulo notation. (These results are examples of "down tuples", or covariant vectors, since they represent derivatives of objects in primal space.) The partial derivative operation is called partial in Scmutils, but Clojure defines partial to mean partial function application. In this system, we take a page from JavaScript and replace partial with a shim which will compute partial derivatives when all the arguments are integers and fall back to Clojure's definition of partial otherwise. Since it doesn't make sense to partially apply an integer, partial should just do the right thing.

You could render that result in TeX:


using the ->TeX function. You can also use ->infix to obtain

down(m r φdot² sin²(θ) + m r θdot² - DV(r), m r² φdot² sin(θ) cos(θ), 0)

or even ->JavaScript to get:

function(D, V, m, r, θ, θdot, φdot) {
  var _0001 = Math.sin(θ);
  var _0002 = Math.pow(φdot, 2);
  return [m * r * _0002 * Math.pow(_0001, 2) + m * r * Math.pow(θdot, 2) - (D(V)(r)), m * Math.pow(r, 2) * _0002 * _0001 * Math.cos(θ), 0];

(For rendering into code, a simple common-subexpression extraction algorithm is used.)

Numerical Methods

This system uses the delightful Apache Commons Math library to implement the numerical methods needed for the book.

The Scmutils simplifier has three engines: a polynomial-based simplifier useful for grouping like terms, a rational-function-based simplifier used for cancellation in fractional expressions, and a rule-based simplifier to apply identities like sin² x + cos² x = 1.

I have implemented all of these, but acceptable performance from the rational-function simplifier is waiting for an implementation of Zippel's algorithm for fast multivariate polynomial GCD operations. Currently we use a recursive Euclid algorithm, which gives acceptable results for expressions of medium complexity, but there is more to be done.

What's not there yet

Coordinates, patches, k-forms and all that

I think the code here has the potential to quickly evolve to cover the techniques of FDG, but at the moment, I have not gotten to the point of implementing any of the groundwork for that yet, as working through SICM has been challenge enough for me.

Derivatives of nested functions

Or, what is described as "Alexey's Amazing Bug" in the Scmutils source code (and further described by Oleksandr Manzyuk here). This should be straightforward to fix but hasn't been necessary for the work so far.

Quaternions, Power Series...

The Scmutils library is vast, and I don't pretend to have covered anywhere near all of it. The breadth-first approach I have used to get the textbook examples working has left many corners of the source library unexplored as of this writing.

The experience of Clojure

This is my first real attempt at a project in Clojure, so I can't say that everything I've done is idiomatic or the best possible. On the other hand, I've written a fair amount of Scheme, so it has been a lot of fun to consider how to best use Clojure's strengths in implementing this. Of course, none of this project should be considered original work of my own; it is the brainchild of G.J. Sussman and his collaborators. But allow me take a moment to describe some of the pleasant surprises I experienced while doing this.

First of all, a rich set of persistent data structures makes all the difference. What few examples of mutability in Scmutils where present have all been removed. Many instances of using association lists and other O(n) data structures have been replaced by maps and sets, and the sorted variants of those.

Using defrecord and deftype simplified the handling of a lot of Scmutils objects that were simply the cons of a type tag and a value. Such types can implement IFn when they need to be callable, allowing me to completely dodge the apply-hook technique used in MIT/GNU Scheme, which is one of the main reasons the code would not have been easy to port to other variants of Scheme, let alone any other flavor of LISP.

The Scmutils code is essentially a monolith, given that Scheme has no module scoping. This Clojure implementation partitions the codebase into a variety of namespaces, with unit tests for each. This adds a bit of sanity to the code absent in the original, where it is not easy to see exactly how the user's environment is constructed. Clojure's namespace facility allows us to prepare the environment in which primitive operations like + and * are replaced with their namespace-qualified generic equivalents exactly at the point where this is necessary; but also allows the generic operations to be mixed with the native operations when this is useful.

Running the code

Installation is simple if you have leiningen; this tool will arrange to retrieve everything else you need. On Mac OS, for example,

$ brew install leiningen

ought to get you started. Clone the repo. lein repl will start a REPL with the math symbols brought into scope and with command line editing capability. For example, to run the demonstration script in demo.clj, you can:

$ lein repl < demo.clj

You can also make an uberjar with lein uberjar, and then run it with java -jar. That will start a REPL, but not a fancy one with command editing like lein repl would provide. It's faster, though, since all of the compilation has been done ahead of time.

$ lein uberjar
$ java -jar target/uberjar/sicmutils-0.9.2-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar  < demo.clj

To run the test suite:

$ lein test

lein test :all will run some additional tests that may take a while to execute.


GPL v3.

Copyright © 2016 Colin Smith


Scmutils in Clojure







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