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Soul Gems is a tabletop inspired variant of Chess and can be played with a board, pen/paper, and using 6- and 10-sided dice. There will eventually be a fully fleshed out game client!


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SOUL GEMS v.0.3 2021-05-12Wed 
Created by Rebecca Loran 2021-05-10Mon


The world of Souls persists, shrouded in darkness. The rulers of this world are known as Soul Guardians. Their existence hinges on collecting Soul Gems and storing the energy emitted by lost souls. Every Guardian must battle each other, for their very life is at stake.

Same as standard Chess with changes

There is no checking the King

The King can move anywhere it
normally could without the rule
of putting itself into check.

Castling is not a legal move

This shouldn't be achievable anyway,
as will be explained in the rules.

The game ends when the King is captured
or if either player reaches 1000 Life Points.


Standard Chess board and pieces

At least one six-sided die and a 10-sided die

Pencil/paper or some way to keep both player's LP/SP count

An area or areas to store pieces(This is your Soul Gem)

Future versions may implement another area
similar to the Soul Gem known as The Crypt
Future versions may implement Ability Cards
that can be obtained throughout the game under
various conditions


Game Start

Place Kings


Collect SP

Attempt to repair/break Soul Gem


Main Phase 1

Option to Pass before any action for (10) LP


Soul Steal

More coming in future versions


Future versions may add ways to augment movement through abilities

Battle Phase


Main Phase 2



End Phase

Game End

Defeat the enemy King


Reach 1000 LP

This is kind of a joke rule. You may attempt this, of course. Good luck!


The game starts with an empty board

All of your pieces are contained within the Soul Gem, except your King

Each player takes turns placing their King anywhere
within their own camp

Both players roll 3 dice(at the moment only 6-sided)
and the player with the highest total chooses who plays
white and black. Going second may or may not be a strategic plan.

Both players have Life Points(LP) as well as Soul Points(SP)

At the start, both players have 20 LP and 0 SP

Unless stated, a player may use points from either pool
and in any combination between them.

If after Upkeep the player takes no actions, they may pass and receive 
[(piece value of your army on board) - (pieces value of captured army in enemy soul gem) + (piece value of enemy army captured)]
LP capping at a minimum of (10)

A Player may freely pass to the next phase after any action is taken during any
phase, but any damage that hasn't resulted in capturing a piece
will be reset. No points are gained this way and points are not refunded.


Movement can only be done during Main Phase 1 or 2

Movement and capturing happen separately

The cost to move a piece is [(piece) + (distance)]

(distance) can only be a maximum of the pieces' traditional
legal move distance.

Knights can move any number of times to empty squares.
The Knight costs (3) per jump.

Attacking and Capturing

Capturing a piece requires at least one piece that can target
an enemy piece. In order to capture it you must deal a total 
amount of damage equal to the piece and there are accuracy rolls of 2 10-sided dice

Attacking costs [2(piece) + (distance)]

For example, attacking a Queen on d7 with a Rook on d1, a Knight
on e5, and a Pawn on e6 would cost: 
[2(5) + (6)] + [2(3) + (3)] + [2(1) + (1)]
	= [16] + [9] + [3]
	= 28 Points

Capturing a piece adds [5(captured piece)] to your SP

In order to succesfully inflict damage, you must roll for accuracy

Roll two 10-seded die.

A Roll of (10) on the first roll is counted as a hit

Any result including and lower than [20 + [10(attacking piece value) - 10(enemy piece value)]] counts as a hit	

The King is a direct link to the Soul Guardian, a God.

A King can only be defeated by converting it to a new Soul Gem. 

This takes inflicting a total of (20) damage

In order to succesfully inflict damage to the King, you must roll for accuracy

The accuracy formula for the King is different

Roll two 10-seded die.

A Roll of (10) on the first roll must be rerolled

Any result including and lower than [10(attacking piece value)] counts as a hit		

Soul Gems

Each player has a Soul Gem which stores captured and stolen Souls.

At the Upkeep of each turn, the total value of
pieces contained within the player's Soul Gem is
added together and multiplied by two. This is then
added to the player's current Soul Points

No Soul Points are gained during each player's first move.

Soul Gems may be broken. During a player's Upkeep
they may spend [(your total captured piece value) - (your captures) + (20)] points from either pool to attempt
to break it. The player rolls three dice and any roll of
(6) is added to a total counter. When that counter reaches
(5) then that player has successfully broken their opponent's Gem. 

The player can no longer summon or gain SP until it is repaired.

All of the pieces your opponent has captured are returned to your Soul Gem

Soul Gems may be repaired. Repair costs (10) LP during Upkeep
but the roll requirement is (3) counters of either a (1) or (2)

During Main Phase 2 a player may choose to spend (5) SP and
roll three dice. Multiply the results of each die together
and transfer that many points to your LP. If the amount of SP
is lower than your result, simply transfer all of it.

Life Points cannot be stolen by another player under any condition.


There are abilities that may be used during main phases.

Soul Steal

Soul Steal can be used during the first Main Phase only when any of your pieces are directly adjactent one space
in any direction around the target piece.

You may spend [(8) - (Number of pieces adjacent)] each of LP and SP to attempt a Soul Steal. This will 
capture the piece and place it into your Soul Gem regardless of attack power or 
enemy piece value other than the King. 

Roll (2) 10-sided dies to determine percentage, the first denoting the 100s/10s place and the second denoting the 1s

If the first die die is a 10, you automatically succeed in performing the Soul Steal 

The Soul Steal will be succesful if you roll any number under and including [20(pieces adhacent)] with a max of (4) pieces 
then you have performed a successful Soul Steal. 

Otherwise a failure results in that piece being unable to be targetted for attacks/abilities for the remainder of your turn

It may also be used on your own pieces, but they must be adjacent to your King and you must roll any number up to and including 
[40(number of pieces adhacent)] with a max of (2) pieces.

Failing a Soul Steal on your own piece prevents that piece from moving or attacking for the remainder of the turn.


Summon removes one of your own pieces from your Soul Gem and places 
it on its starting square. Either starting square counts but it must
unoccupied. This costs [(piece) + (5)]

Can only be used during Upkeep

You may pay an additional point each [(x) + (y)]
placement of the piece. For example, to place a White Queen 
from your Soul Gem to the h3 square, you pay [(9) + (5)]
which would place it on d1, then pay [(4) + (2)] which
costs (20) points total.

Pieces may only be placed within the first four ranks(your camp)

If a piece is occupying that square, you must use the other square as a starting point
and if both squares are occupied then you may not summon that piece

Logically the same can be said for the target square if distance is added

Teleport is the same as Summon but only for pieces on the board

Can only be used during End Phase


A pawn can promote as normal

A promoted pawn is permantly that piece and will
act the same way as any starting piece on or off the board

A new pawn is added to your Soul Gem

I hope you enjoy this game. If you want to watch me alpha test this game with my friend mbkplayer, you can watch me live maybe once a week at


Soul Gems is a tabletop inspired variant of Chess and can be played with a board, pen/paper, and using 6- and 10-sided dice. There will eventually be a fully fleshed out game client!








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