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How to edit the docs

Visit root directory,add in md files and edit them based on Markdown format. You can also refer to Vitepress Documentation to learn more.

How to preview the docs

  • Install node
  • Go to the root directory, npm install to install all the dependency
  • Run npm run docs:dev under root directory to start the service

Add in images

Save images to /public folder, and accesss them via ![](/xxx.png) in the Markdown files.

How to configure

Visit .vitepress directory and look for config.mts file, find sidebarService functions.

    // Each object represents one group
        // group title
        text: 'Introduction',
        collapsible: true,
        // multiple timers under each group
        items: [
            { text: 'getting-started', link: '/service/getting-started' },

To understand the meaning of each parameter, just preview the docs