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A simple link shortener written in Go

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Features
  3. Usage
  4. Installation
  5. Roadmap
  6. Contributing
  7. License

About reddlinks

A simple link shortener written in Go. Made while I was bored.

In case it has been a while since the last commit, no, this project is not dead, if you have an issue or have a feature request, I will respond to it in a reasonable time frame.

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  • URL shortening
  • Front-facing website
  • API endpoints
  • Random path generation (ex:, defaults to a pre-configured value)
  • Custom path (ex:, overrides path generation)
  • Password protected links using argon2
  • PostgreSQL and SQLite

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To use it in a web browser, follow the instruction on the front page.

API requests:

  1. Shorten link:

Use your favorite http client to make a POST request in JSON, example with curl:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"url":""}'

Available params for link shortening are:

  • "url": "URL". A valid URL
  • "length": "Number". A number for an auto-generated short path, defaults to a pre-configure length. Optional
  • "customPath": "Path". A custom path to access the shortened link instead of an auto-generated one Optional
  • "expireAfter": "1d1h1m1s". 1d = 1 day; 1h = 1 hour; 1m = 1 minute; 1s = 1 second; the format should be entered from greater (1d) to lesser (1s). Defaults to a pre-configured time. Example : "3d5h34m54s" = 3 days, 5 hours, 34 minutes and 54 seconds from now. Optional
  • "password": "Password". A password to protect the shortened link with. Optional
  1. Access password-protected links:

Use your favorite http client to make a GET request whilst posting JSON, example with curl:

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password":"secret123"}'

More information in the wiki.

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Read the configuration and installation instructions in the wiki.

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  • Add a private mode with authentication

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I don't expect anyone other than me to contribute, but you should follow these steps :

Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request

The Go code is linted with golangci-lint and formatted with golines (width 120) and gofumpt. See the Makefile targets. If there are false positives, feel free to use the //nolint: directive and justify it when committing to your branch or in your pull request.

For any contribution to the code, make sure to create tests/alter the already existing ones according to the new code.

Make sure to run make prep before committing any code.

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Project under the GPLv3 License.

Copyright (C) 2024 redd

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