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Tutorial Tools

The repository that holds various linux container images used as part of Red Hat Developers workshops.


NOTE: The scripts by default uses docker.


The tool builds three linux container images

  1. tutorial-tools - This image holds all the tools that are used as part of the Red Hat Developers tutorials e.g. kubectl, oc, stern, yq, jq etc.,

  2. clients - This image holds the clients that are used in typical Cloud Native Application development such as kubectl, oc(openshift client),yq,jq,kn,tkn,stern etc.,

  3. container-tools - This image is used for advanced use cases where you want to build containers within containers using tools like buildah etc.,

Build and Push Images

To build all the images listed above:

make clean build-all -e BUILD_ENGINE=${BUILD_ENGINE}

To build only tutorial-tools

cekit -v build --overrides-file tutorial-tools-overrides.yaml -e BUILD_ENGINE=${BUILD_ENGINE} --no-squash

To build only clients

cekit -v build --overrides-file only-clients-overrides.yaml -e BUILD_ENGINE=${BUILD_ENGINE} --no-squash

To build only container-tools

cekit -v build --overrides-file container-tools-overrides.yaml -e BUILD_ENGINE=${BUILD_ENGINE} --no-squash

Where BUILD_ENGINE could be any one buildah, podman or docker

To push the images to the container registry

make push

It is also possible to push individual images using the same technique as build