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Provision or deprovision OpenStack virtual machines with Ansible


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A set of simple playbooks that can be called from AWX to instantiate a set of virtual machines on an OpenStack cluster.


You can use this repository as the source for a project, then create a Job Template and pass information into the Extra Variables section to instantiate one or more virtual machines in your OpenStack environment.

Create a Project

In AWX (Tower), create a Project and use the SCM type of Git. Use this repository as the source for that project. Save the project and move to the Inventory section.

Create a Credential

You need to create a Credential so that we can authenticate and speak with the cloud API. You're going to need 2 sets of credentials:

  • OpenStack credential (to talk to the API)
  • Machine credential (to SSH into the instantiated VMs)

First let's start with the OpenStack credential. Select the Credential Type of OpenStack. Enter your credential details such as username, password, host, and project name.

Next, add a Machine type credential. We'll use this credential in our job template to authenticate to the instantiated VMs. Setup the username you're going to SSH as, and add a private SSH key that can authenticate against your new VMs. You'll need to make sure the VMs you spin up use the public key that matches this public key. Setting up the keys on your OpenStack instance is to be done manually, and is out of scope for this playbook (currently?).

Create a Cloud Inventory

Select the Inventory tab on the left, and create a new Inventory. I'm using the RDO Cloud, so I've called my inventory RDO Cloud.

Once you've saved the Inventory, click on the Sources tab. Click on the Add Source button, and select OpenStack from the Source drop down. Name it something like RDO Cloud Source and select RDO Cloud as your Credential.

Create a Local Inventory

You'll also need a local inventory that gets consumed by the playbooks. First, create a new inventory from the Inventory page via the Add button drop down.I called mine Local Inventory.

Once you Save the inventory, then click the Hosts tab, and click on the Add Host button. In the Host Name field, enter localhost. You'll also need to fill in a bunch of variables so that Ansible knows how to connect to the OpenStack service when running the os_server module.


ansible_connection: local
cloud_name_prefix: AWX
cloud_name: mycloud
cloud_region_name: regionOne
cloud_availability_zone: nova
cloud_image: 42a43956-a445-47e5-89d0-593b9c7b07d0
cloud_flavor: m1.medium
cloud_key_name: rdo-awx

Create a Job Template

Click on the Templates section, and create a new Job Template. Name the job something like openstack-provisioning-job. Use a Local inventory that simply connects to localhost (you could reuse the Demo inventory and credentials if you wanted).

Under the Project section, select your openstack-builder project that you created in the previous step. Then select the provision.yml playbook for this job template.

In the Extra Variables section, define your cloud credentials and your instance list (the servers you wish to be instantiated in the cloud).

Below is a sample set of values to instantiate a Kubernetes cluster with 3 nodes and a single master.

  - { name: kube-master, group: master, security_groups: "default" }
  - { name: kube-node-1, group: nodes, security_groups: "default" }
  - { name: kube-node-2, group: nodes, security_groups: "default" }
  - { name: kube-node-3, group: nodes, security_groups: "default" }
my_auth_url: https://cloud.project.tld:13000/v2.0
my_username: jimmysmith
my_password: sUpEr-SeCr3t-p@ssw0rD
my_project_name: "my_project"


Provision or deprovision OpenStack virtual machines with Ansible








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