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Now that you are part of redradix, you should know about how we roll. This is a very quick introduction to us and to our processes.


You should have already set up a email address for you.

Having a @redradix email will grant you some superpowers, like accessing the google groups list.

Google groups list

We have a private email list that we use to share more ‘formal’ stuff, like messages from The Founding Fathers(tm) or messages that should reach everyone. You can use the list sending an email to, but please don’t send stupid stuff.


For our day-to-day communications we use Slack, whether you are going to remote, on vacation, if you want to share lunch or if you need something or just hang out. We try to divide the different chatter between different channels, but it’s always hard to do. You should be invited to the private channels that you belong to (and you can create your own channels), and the public channels are the following:

  • blog, for everything related to the blog. If you intend to write a lot, this is the place to be. We have also trello linked here, so everything that moves in the trello board for the blog is shown here.
  • buzzfeed, where random and funny and stupid things dwell.
  • fifa, to share tricks, cheats, real life videos, internal league and championship results and public humiliation of the losers of the day.
  • lobby, where not chatter should occur. This is to have a landing channel in case we invite a client or someone external.
  • redradix-general, for everything related to us. Is the channel to use, in a normal day-to-day basis.
  • resources, to share interesting stuff related to our profession. These links would normally be shared later in twitter.


On github we share our public repositories, for courses, weekends, open source or just interesting stuff. You should create (if you don’t have already) an account there and be part of the redradix organisation.

Don’t forget to create a ssh key and link it with github!


On bitbucket we have all the interesting stuff, meaning both internal and client projects. Feel free to browse the repos and try to learn or fix something from them (but do not delete anything PLEASE!)

You should be part of the redradix team, so you can access all the repos.

Old projects are moved to a different team (redradix_dungeon).

You should be able to create new projects here, but please keep the naming same and coherent with what’s already there. It’s optional but a nice-to-have to provide the required information and avatar when creating the project.


We use trello, a lot. It provides a lot of flexibility because the mechanism is super-simple. You have cards and lanes, and that’s it. It’s up to you to organise stuff.

We have several different boards, both for internal processes, internal projects, and client projects. You should be part of the redradix team, to have access to all the boards.

Redradix Docs

We tried to keep all the knowledge in one place. That place is Ask Alex to create your account if you are not able to access.

Social Networks

We are not very social-network-savvy but we do use a couple of them, so it would be nice if you could help us grow and maintain a clean and interesting profile, sharing what you find interesting.

Days Off

We all love our work, but sometimes we need to rest. If you need some days off, send an email to Juan and Cynthia asking for them. And don't forget to set your OOO message ( Settings > General > Vacation Responder ).


Welcome aboard, this is a quick introduction






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