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Releases: refinedev/refine


07 May 07:04
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Patch Changes

  • #5850 c2ef59bf82f Thanks @aliemir! - fix: replace imports of qs with default imports

    Updated qs imports and usage to prevent issues with ESM builds and to ensure correctly importing the module.

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: declaration files in node10, node16 and nodenext module resolutions


07 May 07:04
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Patch Changes


07 May 07:04
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Patch Changes

  • #5850 c2ef59bf82f Thanks @aliemir! - fix: replace imports of qs with default imports

    Updated qs imports and usage to prevent issues with ESM builds and to ensure correctly importing the module.

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: declaration files in node10, node16 and nodenext module resolutions


07 May 07:04
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Patch Changes

  • #5862 7c22b8eaca0 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: updated column filter transformation logic to handle conditional filters

    useTable hook was ignoring the conditional filters with "and" and "or" operators, causing custom filtering logic inside the table to not work as expected and omitting the filters from the query. This PR enables working with conditionenal filters and fixes the disappearing filters issue.

    To customize the key value of the conditional filter, you can use the filterKey property in the column's meta property. This property will be used as the key for the filter when setting the filter value to the table from @refinedev/core's filter state and when setting the filter value to the filter state from the table.

    // An example of how to use the `filterKey` property in the column's `meta` property
    const columns: ColumnDef<IPost> = [
        id: "title",
        header: "Title",
        accessorKey: "title",
        meta: {
          // This is optional, if not defined column id will be used as the key
          filterKey: "titleFilter",
          // If operator is not `'eq'` or `'in'`, make sure to set the `filterOperator` property
          filterOperator: "and",

    Resolves #5856

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: declaration files in node10, node16 and nodenext module resolutions


07 May 07:04
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Patch Changes

  • #5850 c2ef59bf82f Thanks @aliemir! - fix: replace imports of qs with default imports

    Updated qs imports and usage to prevent issues with ESM builds and to ensure correctly importing the module.

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: declaration files in node10, node16 and nodenext module resolutions


07 May 07:04
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Patch Changes


07 May 07:03
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Patch Changes

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: /parse-table-params export in node10 module resolutions

    /parse-table-params subpath export is not correctly resolved by node10 module resolutions.

  • #5850 c2ef59bf82f Thanks @aliemir! - fix: replace imports of qs with default imports

    Updated qs imports and usage to prevent issues with ESM builds and to ensure correctly importing the module.

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: declaration files in node10, node16 and nodenext module resolutions

  • #5849 8a8f88b2c30 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: replace next/* imports with extensions in ESM builds

    Updated imports from next/* to next/*.js to prevent issues with ESM builds and to ensure correctly importing the module.


07 May 07:03
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Patch Changes


07 May 07:03
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Patch Changes


07 May 07:03
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Minor Changes

  • #5868 a82ef6afc15 Thanks @Ac-Srikanth! - feat: add message prop for required auth input fields for the above packages.

    Now you can provide custom required messages with translate feature for all auth input fields(Login, register, forget password,update password).

    Resolves #5855

Patch Changes

  • #5876 4940b6106b2 Thanks @Yash-271120! - feat: add ability to customize anchor origin from snackbar provider

    Previously, useNotificationProvider used hardcoded anchorOrigin and disableWindowBlurListener values, preventing users to customize these values. This change moves these values to <RefineSnackbarProvider /> as default props to allow users to customize them when needed.

    Resolves #5847

  • #5881 ba719f6ea26 Thanks @aliemir! - fix: declaration files in node10, node16 and nodenext module resolutions

  • Updated dependencies [ba719f6ea26]:

    • @refinedev/react-hook-form@4.8.17
    • @refinedev/ui-types@1.22.6