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Scottx611x/acceptance testing (#1534)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Testing the feasibility of running multiple travis builds over different browsers/platforms

* Wrap arg in quotes as to not evaluate spaces in env var

* Try out an extra wait

* I think testing Safari on anything other than OS X is a stretch

* See if bumping OS X v. down helps

* See if some extra waiting helps (I think Sauce lab's OS X machines are especially slow)

* Move helper functions to utils file

* Switch back o El Capitan because i believe timing was the only issue

* move helper functions

* Test adding some longer waits

* Fix whitespace

* fix imports

* Comment out file upload test for now

* Add `cleanup_on_error()` that we can decorate test methods with

* Tidy up tests

* Remove windows from acceptance testing

* Move acceptance test running into own shell script and call from within travis

* `cd` into the proper directory

* `cd` back to `refinery` directory

* Cleanup some more tests

* Add id to aid testing

* Add id to aid testing

* Cleanup login method

* Abstract out reused login moethod

* Utilize relative import

* PEP8

* only run acceptance tests if we detect a build for a PR

* Always run our acceptance tests

* Add acceptance tests for user registration and login

* Don't use separate shell script (for now)

* Remove `cd` comands

* Refactor selenium utility functions

* Add script to run acceptance tests on vagrant or travis

* Lower `DEFAULT_WAIT` Now that we aren't relying on SauceLabs VMs

* Cleanup setting of breakpoints, and refactor `cleanup_on_error` decorator

* Remove unnecessary env var, and re-add `global` as to ensure a single build

* Sauce_connect isn't needed

* pip caching seems stable

* PEP8

* Fail shell script if any step doesn't work properly

* GeckoDriver expects a more recent version of Firefox

* Remove Comments

* Update Default wait time

* Bump pytest-selenium version

* Update Comment

* Utilize `wait_until_id_clickable`

* Add tests for global analysis popover

* Add tests for Datasets panel

* Update comment

* Add a status to all generated Analyses

* Update stats test to check for actual object counts

* include gecko driver in our build process for ease of local selenium-based testing

* Refactor old acceptance test implementation in favor of simplicity and uniformness with our current Django unit tests

* Make virtual display bigger

* Update selenium testing utils

* Update assert body text method

* Update selenium tests

* Update `wait_until_id_visible()`

* bump Factory-Boy requirement

* Update travis as mentioned issue has been closed

* Clean up gecko driver Puppet install

* Update docstrings

* Remove unnecessary tests

* more geckodriver install cleanup

* Change Default wait

* update wait_until_id_visible()

* pull out duplicated code into ui-deletion helper method

* Update acceptance tests

* Minor changes due to abstraction of deletion code

* Fix typo

* guest user creation isn't needed here anymore

* Merge branch scottx611x/django_1.7_upgrade into scottx611x/acceptance_testing

* Flip the order of some installed apps due to Django 1.7 ContentType loading

* Decorate function as to not test 3rd party code's functionality

* Utilize StaticLiveServerTestCase

* Update delete_from_ui() helper

* Refactor decorator name to be more verbose

* Don't need to take a screenshot here

* Add xvfb and python3 to travis

* add pyvirtualdisplay req

* Rename geckodriver class to selenium

* Update order

* Update order of INSTALLED_APPS for testing purposes

* Update logging levels

* Update TEST_RUNNER per Django system-check suggestion

* Update tests

* Fix `get_or_create()`

* Access actual object returned from `get_or_create()` tuple

* Update logger statement

* Do not need to specify `live server` here since it has a default value

* Update string formatting to work properly

* Update isa/pre-isa archive deletion to produce less unnecessary errors

* Update Tests

* Manually save public group to sync db between threads (Specific to use of StaticLiveServerTestCase)


* Share Datasets upon factory_boy creation

* Create public group for APIV2 test case

* Added group creation to the wrong TestCase

* Remove `django-nose` in favor of Django's new: `DiscoverTestRunner`

* This file shouldn't exist anymore. Probably wasn't caught in the merge here: 0c727cc

* Include ontology fixture content inside of a Data migration (#1581)

* Update puppet-archive version

* Utilize `puppet-archive` and clean up neo4j.pp

* Cleanup selenium manifest

* Factor out solr class from init.pp

* don't need to chmod here

* We are now using StaticLiveServerTestCase

* "Users of the `puppet-archive`module are responsible for archive package dependencies"

* Remove unused var

* Point to new archive download location

* Fix string formatting error

* Add `TEST_RUNNER` setting to so that someone testing on `prod` locally could also benefeit

* update order of `INSTALLED_APPS` addresses: #1353

* Refactor all tests that interact with the ORM to inherit from `TransactionTestCase` (removes need for crazy tearDown()'s)

* DEFAULT_WAIT Shouldn't be that long

* Manually save `public group` as to persist data between test and web driver threads

* Update comment

* Don't need to optimize sole's index in tests

* Inherit from TransactionTestCase here

* `20` was actually a good fail-safe if things get slow for one reason or another

* switch order of INSTALLED APPS

* Cleanup selenium test cases

* Remove other `unittest` usages and unnecessary tests

* Override setUp() in a cleaner manner

* Add a travis fold

* Clean up FileStoreitem and InvestigationLink error handling

* Clean up error handling for isa & pre-isa archives

* Update comments

* Cleanup factory_boy factories and utils

* This is already a default value


* Update existing DataMigrations to a more easily manageable format

* More robust Data migrations

* Remove `pk`

* RunPython is already encapsulated in a transaction

* refactor `get_isa_archive()` & `get_pre_isa_archive()`

* Analysis.status isn't necessary for testing

* Add Error Handling to `SeleniumTestBase.setUp()`

* Add `TEST_NON_SERIALIZED_APPS` setting due to pre Django 1.9 bug

* Don't need to share datasets pubilcly in acceptance tests

* Utilize `serialized_rollback` to ensure migration data persists in StaticLiveServerTestCases

* Refactor isa/pre_isa archive fetching into one method

* Remove other unnecessary instances of `tearDown()`

* Update method signature

* Update comment

* Fix Test

* Revert "Fix Test"

This reverts commit 673827a.

* Don't bundle (pre)isa_archive fetching functionality & Utilize existing `get_investigation()`

* Handle potential AttributeErrors that could occcur

* Old form was a better representation of our overall usecase

* Reorder import
  • Loading branch information
scottx611x committed Feb 28, 2017
1 parent 9563f68 commit 42469a4
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 36 changed files with 1,239 additions and 1,915 deletions.
49 changes: 23 additions & 26 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,38 @@
language: python
cache: pip
firefox: "49.0.1"
- xvfb
- 2.7
sauce_connect: true
# username and access_key provided as environment variables in travis config
- postgresql
- neo4j
- pip install -r requirements.txt --quiet
# Install geckodriver required for selenium testing
- TAR=geckodriver-v0.11.1-linux64.tar
- wget$TAR.gz
- gunzip $TAR.gz
- tar -xvf $TAR
- chmod a+x geckodriver
- export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`
- REDUCE_TEST_OUTPUT=true PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:../refinery:../refinery/config
# These env vars are available to every build
- PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:../refinery:../refinery/config

- createuser --createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole vagrant
- createdb -O vagrant refinery
- cd refinery
# See
- erb config/config.json.erb > config/config.json
- python migrate --noinput
- python create_user 'guest' 'guest' '' 'GuestFirst' 'GuestLast' 'GuestAffiliation' 'active'
- npm install -g grunt-cli@0.1.13 bower@1.7.7 --progress false --quiet
- cd ui
- npm install --progress false --quiet
Expand All @@ -30,37 +44,20 @@ script:
- flake8 --exclude=migrations,ui ..

- echo 'travis_fold:start:grunt'
- pushd ui
- grunt
- popd
- pushd ui && grunt && popd
- echo 'travis_fold:end:grunt'

- echo 'travis_fold:start:selenium'
# NOTE: Redirect runserver output since it's polluting logs
- python runserver > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- pushd ../selenium
# (,
# (
# This has been recognized as a point of confusion, but there is no plan to change anything.
- printenv | sort | grep SAUCE | perl -pne 's/=(...).+/=$1.../' # Debug helper
- export BASE_URL=http://localhost:8000 CREDS_YML=guest_creds.yml UPLOAD=gff3.csv
- pytest --driver SauceLabs --capability browserName Firefox --capability tunnelIdentifier $TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER -r fE
- popd
- echo 'travis_fold:end:selenium'

# If Django tests run first, the selenium test is truncated from the Travis log.
- echo 'travis_fold:start:django-tests'
- coverage run test
- echo 'travis_fold:end:django-tests'

- set +e # Currently, codecov does not always exit with 0, but that should not cause travis to fail.

- echo 'travis_fold:start:codecov'
- codecov
- npm run codecov
- echo 'travis_fold:end:codecov'
secure: nDs9Oj08nRizuD0edl6WcrSgaTPMyITQjZc4qPZpt+yOxUehWbrAmVhqYypfyvdj4qSi1E72rPTXftuBB1E1IZBgX4CCkrCkWGLgIxHaaValTd64oOX66eC3BbSehQxuJB7w1DWw54xBUkTy6+ufjAqiwhLpoEUeE296urAWYHU=
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions deployment/Puppetfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ mod 'puppetlabs/lvm', '0.7.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/postgresql', '4.8.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/rabbitmq', '5.6.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/stdlib', '4.13.1'
mod 'puppet-archive', '1.2.0'
mod 'saz/timezone', '3.2.0'
mod 'stankevich/python', '1.9.1'
mod 'thias/sysctl', '1.0.2'
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions deployment/manifests/aws.pp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,9 @@

# See code in refinery-modules/refinery/...
include refinery
include refinery::pg
include refinery::neo4j
include refinery::apache2
include refinery::aws
include refinery::neo4j
include refinery::pg
include refinery::solr

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions deployment/manifests/default.pp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@

# See code in refinery-modules/refinery/...
include refinery
include refinery::pg
include refinery::neo4j
include refinery::apache2
include refinery::neo4j
include refinery::pg
include refinery::selenium
include refinery::solr

81 changes: 0 additions & 81 deletions deployment/refinery-modules/refinery/manifests/init.pp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,87 +131,6 @@
ensure => directory,

class solr {
$solr_version = "5.3.1"
$solr_archive = "solr-${solr_version}.tgz"
$solr_url = "${solr_version}/${solr_archive}"

package { 'java':
name => 'openjdk-7-jdk',
exec { "solr_download":
command => "wget ${solr_url} -O ${solr_archive}",
cwd => "/usr/local/src",
creates => "/usr/local/src/${solr_archive}",
path => "/usr/bin",
timeout => 600, # downloading can take a long time
exec { "solr_extract_installer":
command => "tar -xzf ${solr_archive} solr-${solr_version}/bin/ --strip-components=2",
cwd => "/usr/local/src",
creates => "/usr/local/src/",
path => "/bin",
file { "${django_root}/solr/core/conf/solrconfig.xml":
ensure => file,
content => template("${django_root}/solr/core/conf/solrconfig.xml.erb"),
file { "${django_root}/solr/data_set_manager/conf/solrconfig.xml":
ensure => file,
content => template("${django_root}/solr/data_set_manager/conf/solrconfig.xml.erb"),
exec { "solr_install": # also starts the service
command => "sudo bash ./ ${solr_archive} -u ${app_user}",
cwd => "/usr/local/src",
creates => "/opt/solr-${solr_version}",
path => "/usr/bin:/bin",
require => [ File["/opt"], Package['java'] ],
file_line { "solr_config_home":
path => "/var/solr/",
line => "SOLR_HOME=${django_root}/solr",
match => "^SOLR_HOME",
file_line { "solr_config_log":
path => "/var/solr/",
line => "solr.log=${django_root}/log",
match => "^solr.log",
service { 'solr':
ensure => running,
hasrestart => true,
include solr

class solrSynonymAnalyzer {
$version = "2.0.0"
$url = "${version}/hon-lucene-synonyms.jar"

# Need to remove the old file manually as wget throws a weird
# `HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden` error when the file
# already exists.

exec { "solr-synonym-analyzer-download":
command => "rm -f ${solr_lib_dir}/hon-lucene-synonyms.jar && wget -P ${solr_lib_dir} ${url}",
creates => "${solr_lib_dir}/hon-lucene-synonyms.jar",
path => "/usr/bin:/bin",
timeout => 120, # downloading can take some time
notify => Service['solr'],
require => Exec['solr_install'],
include solrSynonymAnalyzer

include '::rabbitmq'

class ui {
Expand Down
71 changes: 21 additions & 50 deletions deployment/refinery-modules/refinery/manifests/neo4j.pp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,12 +94,16 @@
include owl2neo4j

class neo4jPrePopulatedDB {
package { 'unzip':
name => 'unzip',
ensure => latest,
require => Class['apt::update'],
$neo4j_user = "neo4j"
$neo4j_group = "nogroup"
$dirname = "graph.db"
$filename = "${dirname}.zip"
$install_path = "/var/lib/neo4j/data/"

ensure => 'installed',

exec { "stop neo4j service":
command => "sudo service neo4j-service stop",
user => $app_user,
Expand All @@ -116,22 +120,24 @@
path => ['/usr/bin/'],
exec { "fetch pre-generated db":
command => "sudo wget -q && yes | sudo unzip",
cwd => "/var/lib/neo4j/data/",
user => $app_user,
group => $app_group,
path => ['/usr/bin/'],
timeout => 1800,
archive { "fetch pre-generated db":
path => "/tmp/${filename}",
source => "${filename}",
extract => true,
extract_path => "${install_path}",
creates => "${install_path}/${dirname}",
cleanup => true,
user => 'root',
group => 'root',
require => [
exec { "change db ownership":
command => "sudo chown -R neo4j:nogroup /var/lib/neo4j/data/graph.db",
path => ['/usr/bin/', '/bin/'],
exec { 'neo4j permissions':
command => "sudo chown -R $neo4j_user:$neo4j_group $install_path/$dirname",
path => ['/usr/bin/'],
exec { "start neo4j service":
Expand All @@ -142,33 +148,6 @@
require => Service["neo4j-service"],
exec { "fetch neo4j fixture":
command => "sudo wget -q",
cwd => $django_root,
creates => "$django_root/django-fixure-stemcellcommons.json",
path => ['/usr/bin/'],
user => $app_user,
group => $app_group,
timeout => 1800,
exec { "install neo4j fixture":
command => "${virtualenv}/bin/python loaddata django-fixure-stemcellcommons.json",
environment => ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=${django_settings_module}"],
cwd => $django_root,
user => $app_user,
group => $app_group,
# Exit code 1 will occur the second time this command is run. This
# will turn into a DataMigration soon but I'm avoiding creating more
# Migrations in Django 1.6 and will address this once Django 1.7 is
# Merged
returns => [0,1],
require => [
exec { "install neo4j annotations":
command => "${virtualenv}/bin/python import_annotations -c",
environment => ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=${django_settings_module}"],
Expand All @@ -177,14 +156,6 @@
group => $app_group,
require => Exec['migrate'],
exec { "remove neo4j fixture":
command => "rm -rf django-fixure-stemcellcommons.json",
cwd => $django_root,
user => $app_user,
group => $app_group,
path => ['/bin/'],
include neo4jPrePopulatedDB
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions deployment/refinery-modules/refinery/manifests/selenium.pp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
class refinery::selenium {
$geckodriver_version = 'v0.11.1'
$filename = "geckodriver-${geckodriver_version}-linux32.tar.gz"
$install_path = "/opt/geckodriver"

package { "firefox":}
package { "xvfb":}

archive { "fetch geckodriver":
path => "/tmp/${filename}",
source => "$geckodriver_version/$filename",
extract => true,
extract_path => '/opt/',
creates => $install_path,
user => 'root',
group => 'root',
cleanup => 'true',
file { '/usr/bin/geckodriver':
ensure => 'link',
target => $install_path

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