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R package for building ensembles of covid forecasts

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R package for building ensembles of covid forecasts


You will need Python 3 and R 3.x or 4.x, as well as the packages listed below:

Python packages:

  • pandas and requests. To install, run the following in a terminal:
pip install pandas
pip install requests

R packages:

  • The quantgen package by Ryan Tibshirani. Follow the instructions at

  • Other packages: tidyverse, MMWRweek, magrittr, Matrix, NlcOptim, zeallot, googledrive, yaml, here. In an R session, run the following:

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "MMWRweek", "magrittr", "Matrix", "NlcOptim", "zeallot", "googledrive", "yaml", "here"))
  • The covidEnsembles package. Clone the repository and install as an R package. In a terminal, you can run the following commands:
git clone
R CMD INSTALL covidEnsembles
  • The covidData package. Clone the repository. You don't need to install it as an R package immediately; this will be done as part of the automated ensemble build process.
git clone
  1. Clone the covidData repository. If you are cloing this repo for the first time on your machine, you will need to manually create a covidData/data-raw/JHU directory and leave it empty.
  2. In a terminal window, navigate to covidData/code/data-processing/ and run the make all command.

Overview of workflow for application

Brief Overview of Ensemble Methods

Currently implemented:

  • window of past weeks for parameter estimation
  • mean imputation for missing forecasts followed by redistributing weight according to effective weight received in training set
  • combine by per-quantile median, or per-quantile weighted mean
  • for weighted mean, model weights separately for all quantiles, one weight per model, or 3 groups of quantiles

Among these options, there is not consistent or strong evidence that anything is better than a per-quantile median forecast, which is what we are using now.

Unimplemented ideas:

  • weighted median
  • enforce or encourage consistency between incident and cumulative death ensemble forecasts
  • weights per horizon