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Elzar Usage

Rails Tutorial

This example assumes that you have a working Rails application that is compatible with the default Rails DNA included in Elzar.

Step 0: Install Elzar

gem install elzar

Step 1: Initialize Elzar's Provision Directory

This creates a provision/ directory inside of your project. This folder will be used to hold configuration data, custom Chef recipes, and the dna.json file which specifies how configuration data to the Chef recipes themselves.

elzar init --dna=rails

Step 2: Configure dna.json

The previous command created a dna.json template at provision/dna.json. It will look roughly like so:

  "run_list":["role[plumbing]", "role[postgres_database]", "ruby", "passenger", "rails_app"],
  "passenger":  {
    "version":  "3.0.11",
    "root_path":  "/opt/relevance-ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.11",
    "module_path":  "/opt/relevance-ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.11/ext/apache2/"
  "ruby":  {
    "version":  "1.9.3-p194",
    "url":  ""
  "rails_app":  {
    "name":  "TODO: Replace with the name of your Rails app"

This file specifies which recipes Chef will run and how they will be ran. For example, you can edit the run_list to run a custom recipe that you have created or swap out one of the default recipes for another (e.g. mysql for postgresql).

At the very least you will need to specify rails_app[name]. For example:

"rails_app":  {
  "name": "elzar_rails_example"

The rails_app[name] in dna.json has several implicit effects:

  • It determines where your app lives on the file system (e.g., /var/www/apps/elzar_rails_example/)
  • It determines the name of your database (e.g., elzar_rails_example_production)
  • It determines the path of your nginx configuration file (e.g., /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/elzar_rails_example)

Step 3: Configure AWS Settings

The init command also created 2 separate AWS configuration files:

  • provision/aws_config.yml - holds non-sensitive settings, which you're comfortable checking into Git
  • provision/aws_config.private.yml - holds (wait for it) private settings, which you should not check into Git

These files look like so:

# aws_config.yml
    :flavor_id: <instance type, e.g. 'm1.large'>
    :image_id: <ami to bootstrap with. Must be some UBUNTU image. e.g. "ami-fd589594">
    :groups: <security group to place the new deployment in, e.g. "default">
    :key_name: <name of the public/private keypair to start instance with>

# aws_config.private.yml
  :aws_access_key_id: <your aws access key id>
  :aws_secret_access_key: <your aws secret access key>

  private_key: |
    Include the RSA private key here. This should correspond to the keypair indicated
    by server[:creation_config][:key_name] in aws_config.yml.
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Elzar will load both of these files and perform a deep merge on them. Any settings in aws_config.private.yml will override settings found in aws_config.yml.

Edit these files as appropriate for your project.

Step 4: Preheat Your Server

This step will provision a new server from AWS using your specified credentials and will bootstrap Chef Solo on the box.

elzar preheat "ElzarRailsExample Staging"

In this case, Elzar will provision a new instance and tag it with a name of "ElzarRailsExample Staging". This is the name that you will see when browsing instances in the AWS console. Name your instance accordingly.

If this step completes successfully, it will display the ID of the instance as well as its public IP address. For example:

Finished Provisioning Server
Instance ID: i-abcdef01
Instance IP:

Step 5: Cook the Recipes

This step is responsible for combining your custom recipes (if any) and configuration with the default recipes that ship with Elzar. The combined payload will be uploaded to the server and placed in /tmp/chef-solo where they will run.

elzar cook i-abcdef01

When running this command be sure to use the instance ID returned to you from the preheat command.

Step 6: Configure Capistrano

At this point in time, we have a server that is ready to run our app. Now, we just need to get our app up there.

First off, we need to add Capistrano to your Rails app.

gem install capistrano
capify .

Unfortunately, the default Capistrano configs won't get us very far at all. We'll need to pull in some pretty generic configuration that we use on most of our applications. See this commit for an example of the boilerplate configuration we'll need to get up and running.

Next, we need to specify the IP address of the server we just set up in config/deploy.rb. By default the config looks something like this:

role :web, "your web-server here"                          # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
role :app, "your app-server here"                          # This may be the same as your `Web` server
role :db,  "your primary db-server here", :primary => true # This is where Rails migrations will run
role :db,  "your slave db-server here"

Using the IP address that we got from running elzar preheat earlier, our config would look like this:

role :web, ""                   # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc
role :app, ""                   # This may be the same as your `Web` server
role :db,  "", :primary => true # This is where Rails migrations will run

Notice that we deleted the configuration for the slave DB server since we do not have one at this time.

Step 7: Prepare to Serve

Now that we have a working Capistrano configuration we just need to make a couple of other small tweaks to make the box deployable. Specifically, we need to create the directory structure that Capistrano expects and place our database configuration on the box.

It is considered a best practice to not check in any actual database credential into your Git repo. Alternatively, you check in a database.example.yml file and then manually manage a database.yml file on your target server. See this example for a sample diff.

cap deploy:setup
ssh deploy@
mkdir /var/www/apps/elzar_rails_example/shared/config
vim /var/www/apps/elzar_rails_example/shared/config/database.yml

Your database.yml file should look similar to this one, obviously edited to meet your application's needs. Be sure you configure the value of database to match the one created by Chef (i.e. #{rails_app[name]}_production).

  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  database: elzar_rails_example_production
  pool: 5
  username: deploy
  password: d3pl0y-p0stgr3s

Step 8: Serve It Up

Here comes the exciting part. It's time to deploy our Rails app to the box. Since this is the first time we've ever deployed to the box we'll need to run a special Capistrano command that does slightly more work than a bare deploy.

cap deploy:cold

Congratulations! You should be able to visit the IP address using your favorite browser and see the application up and running.

For subsequent deploys you should just be able to simply run:

cap deploy