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Patrik Schmidt edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 38 revisions

The like button can be embedded by other websites. Entities within Metalcon also have a like button. Once a user clicks a like button the system will share this information with his social environment and subscribe the user to information provided by this entity.


  • Fans: share information with social environment
  • Fans: beginner friendly (metalcon already knows what content people surfed on in the past)
  • Band / Venue: wants to know fans
  • Band / Venue: Promotion
  • University: usage behavior / high scaling system (handling many http requests is an interesting research question)

Page metrics from other websites

based on google indices 368.000 pages

  • based on their media factsheet
    • 352.000 PageImpressions / month -> 10000 per Day -> 10 per second 158.000 pages

  • factsheet
  • 4.918.812 PageImpressions / month -> 170000 per Day -> 120 per second 83.000 pages 437.000 pages 20.000 pages



  • data storage
  • entry point (load balancer)
  • stupid recommender
    • (who of my friends likes this entities?)
    • who in general likes this page (how many)
  • AI recommender
    • (you might also like … (friend, band, city, web site,...))

open questions

  • how many estimated requests will have to be handled (read/write/disk access)
  • what are the different domains/modules/services within this component
  • on which services do the like-button rely on
  • concerning security
    • what are common attack vectors
    • how to prevent them


  • tracking users on different sites which implemented our metalcon like-button
  • display like button with personal information
    • obtain User ID
    • gather context specific information

If user presses the like-button

  • assign entity to users "preferences"
  • maybe update newsstream of users friends


Responsible Developer

  • Patrik
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