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Sebastian Schlicht edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 44 revisions


The NewsStreamServer provides a REST-Api such that users or other services can request news feeds. This is used to provide the users within the social network with information. The NewsStreamServer provides a news stream sorted ascending by time. The server's task is only to provide the news stream and to create new users, friendships and news stream items.

There will be various news stream item types allowed.


  • users should be able to create status updates to reach their social network
  • users should be able to read status updates within their social network to react
  • the news stream has to provide the possibility to filter the news stream items
  • users should be able to comment to status updates from other users within their social network
  • the news stream should support a varity of different status update types to support self publication, promotion and selling
  • the news stream has to use authentification and respect the user's privacy
  • the server has to provide an interface easy to use to enable authentificated, external users to receive content
  • the server has to be highly performant
  • the social network algorithm should be read optimized
  • files should be stored at a separate server to relieve the news stream server
  • the server should be configurable
  • enable/disable status update types
  • paths for files stored externally
  • as the server depends on Graphity it has to be thread-safe


The protocol is called "News Stream Server Protocol" or short "NSSP".

The typical CRUD operations are supported.

As long as the server does not support OAuth you need to provide the identifier of the user requesting.

Status messages
For every operation there are human readable status messages naming the problem. In addition a second line says how to solve the problem and may give a more detailed description of the problem. These two lines together will compose a JSON object with the field "statusMessage" and the optional field "solution" if the status message is an error. In case multiple errors occurred only the first problem will be reported and the server will stop handling the request.
For example the response for an incomplete request with a missing number X will be

{"statusMessage":"request incomplete: X is missing","solution":"Please provide the number X that must be greater than zero."}


Two ways to create data entries. One is for single entries (or rather small numbers sequentially).
The other one is for importing whole databases (so called "bulk import"). This allows streaming whole CSV-files instead of every single entry of it separately.

There are three different types of create requests, therefore each create request has to define the type of the request. You can create users, add follow edges to users and create status updates.

Create a user

To create a user pass "user" as the type of the create request. In addition you need to specify an identifier for the new user, the display name and the path to the user profile picture.


  • type: "user" (String)
  • user_id: specifying the identifier of the new user (String)
  • user_display_name: setting the name to be displayed in status updates of this user (String)
  • user_profile_picture_path: specifying the path to the user's profile picture (String)

Status messages

  • "ok" if everything succeeded
  • "type invalid" if the create type is invalid
  • "user identifier invalid" if the user identifier is already in use


HTTP/1.0 POST somedomain/stream/create
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_id"

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_display_name"

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_profile_picture_path"

Create a follow edge

To create a follow edge to a user pass "follow" as the type of the create request. In addition you need to specify which user you want to create the edge to. The edge will add this user to the social network of the user requesting.


  • type: "follow" (String)
  • user_id: specifying the requesting user's identifier (String) [will be ommitted when OAuth is supported]
  • followed_id: specifying the identifier of the user the new follow edge shall lead to (String)

Status messages

  • "ok" if everything succeeded
  • "user identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "type invalid" if the create type is invalid
  • "followed identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "follow edge existing" if there is already a follow edge to the user specified


HTTP/1.0 POST somedomain/stream/create
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_id"

content-disposition: form-data; name="type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="followed_id"


Create a status update

To create a status update pass "status_update" as the type of the create request. In addition you need to specify the identifier and the type of the status update, as there may exist various status update templates registered in the server. This template may lead to several other parameters necessary to create the status update.
For example a simple template for text-only status updates could require a parameter named "message" holding the message that should be displayed.


  • type: "status_update" (String)
  • user_id: specifying the requesting user's identifier (String) [will be ommitted when OAuth is supported]
  • status_update_id: specifying the status update identifier (String)
  • status_update_type: specifying the status update template used (String)
  • { ... } various parameters determined by the status update template used

Status messages

  • "ok" if everything succeeded
  • "user identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "type invalid" if the create type is invalid
  • "status update identifier invalid" if the status update identifier is already in use
  • "status update type invalid" if the status update template is unknown
  • "status update instantiation failed" if the parameters passed did not match the status update template specified


HTTP/1.0 POST somedomain/stream/create
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_id"

content-disposition: form-data; name="type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="status_update_type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="message"

Hello World


To read status updates you need to pass two parameters.
As long as the server does not support OAuth you need to provide the identifier of the user requesting. Then pass the identifier of the user whose status update you want to retrieve. You also need to define how many news feed items should be retrieved. A flag to switch between the retrieval of status updates for the user, from the user's social network, and from the user, meaning the update items this user created.


  • user_id: specifying the requesting user's identifier (String) [will be ommitted when OAuth is supported]
  • poster_id: specifying the identifier of the user whose status update you want to retrieve (String)
  • num_items: defining how many news feed items should be retrieved (int)
  • own_updates: 0 to retrieve status updates for the user (notice: this will also be recognized if the requesting user accesses his own stream), 1 to retrieve status updates from the user (int)

Status messages

  • JSON matching representing the news stream accessed, if everything succeeded
  • "user identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "poster identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "number of items invalid" if the number of items passed is invalid
  • "retrieval flag invalid" if the flag for own updates is invalid


HTTP/1.0 GET somedomain/stream/read?user_id=12345&num_items=15&own_updates=0


The news stream server does not provide updates yet.


There are three different types of delete requests, therefore each delete request has to define the type of the request. You can delete users, delete follow edges to users and delete status updates.

Delete a user

To delete a user pass "user" as the type of the delete request. In addition you need to pass the identifier of the user you want to delete.
Please notice: The delete user request uses the basic parameter user_id in another way.


  • type: "user" (String)
  • user_id: specifying the identifier of the user that shall be deleted (String)

Status message

  • "ok" if everything succeeded
  • "user identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier


HTTP/1.0 POST somedomain/stream/delete
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_id"


Delete a follow edge

To delete a follow edge to a user pass "follow" as the type of the delete request.
In addition you need to specify which user you want to delete the edge from. The deletion will remove this user from the social network of the user requesting.


  • user_id: specifying the requesting user's identifier (String) [will be ommitted when OAuth is supported]
  • followed_id: specifying the identifier of the user the existing follow edge leads to (String)

Status messages

  • "ok" if everything succeeded
  • "user identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "type invalid" if the delete type is invalid
  • "followed identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "follow edge not existing" if there is no follow edge to the user specified


HTTP/1.0 POST somedomain/stream/delete
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_id"

content-disposition: form-data; name="type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="followed_id"


Delete a status update

To delete a status update pass "status_update" as the type of the delete request. In addition you need to specify the identifier of the status update you want to delete.


  • user_id: specifying the requesting user's identifier (String) [will be ommitted when OAuth is supported]
  • status_update_id: specifying the identifier of the status update that shall be deleted (String)

Status messages

  • "ok" if everything succeeded
  • "user identifier invalid" if there is no user with such identifier
  • "type invalid" if the delete type is invalid
  • "status update identifier invalid" if there is no status update with such identifier
  • "status update not owned" if the status update is not owned by the user requesting


HTTP/1.0 POST somedomain/stream/delete
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="user_id"

content-disposition: form-data; name="type"

content-disposition: form-data; name="status_update_id"



Status Update Templates


<class name="Plain" version="1.0">
  <param name="message" type="String" />


Responsible Developer


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