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Edit your RestoReady theme locally

Gem Version

The RestoReady theme gem is a command line tool that lets you make live changes to themes on your RestoReady site.

It will watch your local folders for any changes in your theme (including adding and removing files) and will update your site to the latest changes.

You do not need to make changes to your default theme. You can leverage the theme preview feature of RestoReady that allows you to view what an unpublished theme looks like on your RestoReady site.


This gem works with OS X with Ruby 1.9 and 2.x.


To install the restoready_theme gem use 'gem install'.

gem install restoready_theme

or add this line in Gemfile and run bundle install

gem restoready_theme

to update to the latest version

gem update restoready_theme


Generate the config file. To choose the theme you want to edit, add theme_id.

theme configure api_key api_url site_url theme_id

Or bootstrap a new theme with Starter

theme bootstrap api_key api_url site_url theme_name

Example of config.yml. You can use :whitelist_files: to specify files for upload. The assets/, config/, layouts/, snippets/, templates/ and locales/directories are included by default.

You can also use :ignore_files: to exclude files from getting uploaded, for example your config/settings.html.liquid or other configuration driven items

:api_key: api_key
:theme_id: '1'
- directoryToUpload/
- importantFile.txt
- config/settings.html.liquid

Upload a theme file

theme upload assets/layout.liquid

Remove a theme file

theme remove assets/layout.liquid

to download the thème given in config

theme download

Completely replace theme assets with the local assets

theme replace

Watch the theme directory and upload any files as they change

theme watch

Open the site in the default browser

theme open