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Common Errors: Restyle Error 127

Pat Brisbin edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 1 revision

This means the configured command is not available as an executable on $PATH within then restyler image.

There are two common reasons for this:

1- We've updated the restyler to use a new command not present in older images

Sometimes we need to create and use new executables as a restyler evolves. We will then update the current version of our "manifest" to indicate using that as the default command. If you're using an older image that lacks that executable, you will see this error. The solution is to explicitly configure command to what it was before, when that image was in use.

The prettier restyler recently went through this.

2- You've configured an invalid command yourself

If you've configured command for this restyler, that is where the issue is. It is either misspelled or points to a non-existent, or not-on-$PATH executable. Note that command is a list option, to support supplying initial arguments. If not a list, it's expected to not be setting arguments and is turned into a single-element list.

# This is fine
  - prettier:
      command: prettier

# But this is wrong; it's being treated as a single file named `prettier\ --write`
  - prettier:
      command: prettier --write

# This is correct
  - prettier:
        - prettier
        - --write

# And so is this
  - prettier:
      command: [prettier, --write]
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