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Open source Package manager for ⛏ Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.


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🔖 Contents:

❔ Introduction

  • Fluoly is a package manager that lets you download any Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Add-on, tool or plugins you'd ever imagine by only using a CLI & completely free.

🖥 Installation

🪟 Windows:

  • To install fluoly on Windows use the official binaries here ⇗, open it and then the installer will prompt you to choose the path of installation, click Next and the installation process will start, & Voilà! You have successfully installed fluoly.
  • Next to check if Fluoly is installed correctly, open powershell or Windows terminal, then type fluoly --version if it shows something similar to this image image, then you're good to go.
  • If it dumps an error similar to:
"fluoly" is not recognised as an interal or external command


fluoly: The term 'fluoly' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
  • Please check if the installation path is added correctly to the PATH environnement variable ⇗.

💿 Build from source:

  • To build fluoly from source, open the terminal and type the following commands:
git clone
cd ./fluoly
pip install .

These commands will download and install fluoly as a python module, when the process is done delete the fluoly directory.

  • To test if it's installed correctly, type the following command:
python -m fluoly --version
  • if it shows the following image image, Then you're good to go
  • if the latter didn't work, please repeat the installation process, if that didn't help either, don't hesitate to open an issue here ⇗.

📚 Usage

  • Currently, there are two commands:

- ⬇ Install:

  install - Installs an Package.
          -sys           TEXT   Lets you choose which operating system version of a
                                package to choose. Note: This is only available for
          -c, --cpu_arch TEXT   Lets you choose which CPU architecture version of a
                                package to choose. Note: This is also only available for
          -v, --version  TEXT   Lets you choose which version of a package to choose.
          -p, --path     TEXT   Lets you change the path where the package will be
                                downloaded to.
          -n, --name     TEXT   Changes the file name of the downloaded package file.

- 🔍 Find:

  find - Shows info about an Add-on. 
          -md, --read_me TEXT  Shows the of a package