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Feature Requirements

Matt edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

User Story: Login #1

Story Points : 3

A Registered User should be able to login to the experience.

Story Points : 3

User Story: Register #2

A Guest should be able to register as a user.

User Story: Select Exam #3

Story Points : 6

Registered Users should be able to select an available exam to start the exam.

User Story: Answer Exam Questions #4

Story Points : 7

A Registered User once in an exam should be able to answer questions of the following types: True/False (Choose if the statement is true or false) Multiple Choice (Choose one of X answers) Multiple Select (Choose X of Y answers) Short Answer (Write a short answer) Matching (Match item in Column 1 to item in Column 2)

User Story: Exam Progress #5

Story Points : 6

A Registered User should see an overview of their exam progress during an exam. This should show the number of questions, and their status color-coded as below:

  • Answered (Light Blue)
  • Unanswered (Grey)
  • Marked for Review (Light Yellow)
  • Flagged (Light Red)

User Story: Exam Duration #6

Story Points : 6

A Registered User should be able to see the time remaining for the exam, and when the duration reaches zero the exam in its current state should be submitted.

User Story: Navigate Questions #7

Story Points : 7

A Registered User while taking an exam should be able to go to the next question, or to the previous question, or select the specific question from the exam overview to jump to.

User Story: Mark Question For Review #8

Story Points : 3

A Registered User taking an exam should be able to toggle a question for review.

User Story: Flag Questions #9

Story Points : 4

A Registered User should be able to flag a question they believe is wrong, has a typo, or is otherwise problematic. This should result in a modal that allows the user to write a comment and select a category and possibly sub-category for why it was flagged. Categories should be as follows:

  • Out of Date
  • Incorrect
  • Grammar
  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Punctuation
  • Other
  • Other

User Story: Submit Exam #10

Story Points : 7

A Registered User should be able to submit an exam in progress. Upon doing so a confirmation modal should display asking the user if they are sure they want to submit it. It should highlight any remaining unanswered questions, or questions still marked for review. If the submission is confirmed, the score should be calculated and results displayed for the Registered User.

User Story: Exam Creation #11

Story Points : 5

An Admin should be able to create new exams, determining the name, duration of the exam, the question categories, and the number of questions to be selected from that category. For example, an Admin makes an exam covering salesforce administration topics naming it 'Salesforce Admin'. They select a duration of 60 minutes and decide they want categories of Security and UI Customization. Within those categories, they then decide they want 20 questions, out of a possible maximum of however many questions exist for that category, from each category to be displayed for the exam.

User Story: Question Creation #12

Story Points : 2

An Admin should be able to create new questions, determining the style of question, question title, question body, question answers, and the question category. If the category does not yet exist, the Admin should be able to create it.

User Story: Question QA #13

Story Points : 2

An QA Analyst should have questions admins created submitted to a QA process upon creation and must be reviewed before being made active for selection. The process should have the following phases: Grammar Accuracy Format Once all phases are passed it should become active in the question category.

Additionally, all questions flagged by Registered Users should also appear in this process but remain active.

User Story: Import Questions #14

Story Points : 7

An Admin should be able to import bulk questions in GIFT format, assign them a category, and have them submitted to the QA process.

User Story: Exam History #15

Story Points : 5

A Registered User should be able to see a list of past exam attempts and get their score breakdown from that attempt.