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How to use rexray/csi-nfs with docker plugin ? #1114

keyolk opened this issue Nov 17, 2017 · 36 comments

How to use rexray/csi-nfs with docker plugin ? #1114

keyolk opened this issue Nov 17, 2017 · 36 comments


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keyolk commented Nov 17, 2017

I'm tyring to use rexray for my docker and NFS server.
I found this page, .
But it is not clear to me : (
Anyone can inform me how to use it by docker plugin ?

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Hello @keyolk,

You're right I think we're definitely missing some examples. This is the plugin page

@codenrhoden Do you have any examples that you can drop in here for now?

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briantopping commented Nov 19, 2017

I'm pretty sure that the following commands might work on the client:

docker plugin install rexray/csi-nfs
docker volume create --driver rexray/csi-nfs --name test
docker volume ls
docker run -v test:/data busybox mount | grep "/data"

But I can't figure out how to set the address of the server and directory? The last command fails with the following:

docker: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/plugins/1a4940d2e0ab04a9363bd36b69c4018c555ad88c25be7d2525eb3896dfa900f1/rootfs': VolumeDriver.Mount: NodePublishVolume failed: 6: mount failed: exit status 1
mounting arguments: -t nfs : /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/:
output: mount: bad address ''.
ERRO[0000] error getting events from daemon: net/http: request canceled 

After that, something at should help?

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briantopping commented Nov 19, 2017

Thanks, I saw those, but it seems they are only used for parameterizing the call to the imported Mount in the test, no?

I think it has something to do with the li parameter passed in here: If I understand well enough, this method is implementing the SPI for CSI.

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clintkitson commented Nov 19, 2017

Sorry, deleted that comment. I believe it is just looking for a host and export separated by a dash. For example, nfshost-volume1 would equal nfshhost://volume1

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Can you also try this? docker volume create -d rexray test2 -o host= -o export=/data

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briantopping commented Nov 19, 2017

That does seem to cause the mount to work when the command is of the form docker volume create -d rexray/csi-nfs test2 -o host= -o export=/data (note the additional discrimination on the driver name). Now I need to get it wired into the container...

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briantopping commented Nov 19, 2017

Ok, it's close. Here's what I am seeing:

  1. In my case, the command is docker volume create -d rexray/csi-nfs test5 -o host= -o export=/mnt/tank/dcos/grafana
  2. When I run a container with docker run -v test5:/data busybox ls "/data" the output of the docker run is the following:
[root@public01 ~]# docker run -v test5:/data busybox ls "/data"
docker: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/plugins/1a4940d2e0ab04a9363bd36b69c4018c555ad88c25be7d2525eb3896dfa900f1/rootfs': VolumeDriver.Mount: NodePublishVolume failed: 6: mount failed: exit status 255
mounting arguments: -o bind /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes/test5
output: mount: mounting /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ on /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes/test5 failed: No such file or directory.
ERRO[0000] error getting events from daemon: net/http: request canceled 

My belief is that the test5 token keys the volume defined in the docker volume create and the :/data after it mounts the test5 volume at /data on the docker container.

I think what's happening is Docker is parsing the mounting arguments and dropping the #mnt#tank#dcos#grafana when in fact the directory that the share is mounted on is literally

[root@public01 ~]# mount | grep /dcos on /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,mountproto=tcp,local_lock=none,addr=
[root@public01 ~]# ls -l /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/
total 1
drwxr-xr-x 2 root       root       40 Nov 19 12:43 :
drwxrwxrwx 2 prometheus prometheus  3 Nov 19 14:05

My versions:

[root@public01 ~]# docker version
 Version:      17.05.0-ce
 API version:  1.29
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   89658be
 Built:        Thu May  4 22:06:25 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      17.05.0-ce
 API version:  1.29 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:   go1.7.5
 Git commit:   89658be
 Built:        Thu May  4 22:06:25 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false
[root@public01 ~]# rexray version
Binary: /usr/bin/rexray
Flavor: client+agent+controller
SemVer: 0.11.0
OsArch: Linux-x86_64
Commit: 508023f4b0e4974f1844c26b39af7c4219f4c7a9
Formed: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 01:07:06 MDT

Not sure if any of this word jumble is making sense, I may have to RTFM more. This is really super helpful though, thanks @clintkitson!

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@briantopping Can you try an export path that is just one level deep? The example I had comes from testing that occurred so I'm wondering if its related to the path structure submitted when you create the volume.

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Thanks @clintkitson I can do that but need to create a new server for it. My NAS doesn't allow shares that are not in a data volume mount point, which is at least two directories deep.

Is there any way you could try the reverse, to quickly mount a deep directory? Then we could converge with results.

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briantopping commented Nov 21, 2017

Indeed, same problem:

[root@public01 ~]# mount -v /mnt
[root@public01 ~]# ls /mnt
[root@public01 ~]# umount /mnt
[root@public01 ~]# docker volume create -d rexray/csi-nfs data -o -o export=/data
[root@public01 ~]# docker run -v data:/data busybox
docker: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/plugins/1a4940d2e0ab04a9363bd36b69c4018c555ad88c25be7d2525eb3896dfa900f1/rootfs': VolumeDriver.Mount: NodePublishVolume failed: 6: mount failed: exit status 255
mounting arguments: -o bind /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes/data
output: mount: mounting /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ on /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes/data failed: No such file or directory.
ERRO[0000] error getting events from daemon: net/http: request canceled 
[root@public01 ~]# mount
<snip/> on /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.2,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,port=0,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=x.x.x.15)

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clintkitson commented Nov 21, 2017 via email

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briantopping commented Nov 21, 2017

[root@public01 ~]# ls -alt /var/lib/rexray/docker/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 46 Nov  6 14:31 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 21 Nov  6 11:56 .
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  6 Nov  6 11:56 volumes
[root@public01 ~]# df /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes
Filesystem              1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root  17811456 3949020  13862436  23% /

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clintkitson commented Nov 21, 2017 via email

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briantopping commented Nov 21, 2017

And the data directory? It is trying do a bind mount to that path if you reference the error.

Ah good point. /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes/data does not exist, the directory is mounted at /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/, which is what I guess I meant by "same problem".

This is some of the first bind mounting I am doing, do I actually have to create directories for this stuff? I would have thought Docker does that automatically?

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clintkitson commented Nov 21, 2017 via email

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briantopping commented Nov 21, 2017

Thanks! Is this easier on Slack?

[root@public01 ~]# cat /etc/rexray/config.yml 
  loglevel: info
      disabled: true
  service: vfs

Behavior is the same regardless of whether default-docker.disabled is true or false, commented or uncommented.

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clintkitson commented Nov 21, 2017 via email

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Sure thing. No environment variables visible in export that are beyond standard profile:

[root@public01 ~]# export
declare -x HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"
declare -x HISTSIZE="1000"
declare -x HOME="/root"
declare -x HOSTNAME=""
declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
declare -x LESSOPEN="||/usr/bin/ %s"
declare -x LOGNAME="root"
declare -x LS_COLORS="rs=0:di=38;5;27:ln=38;5;51:mh=44;38;5;15:pi=40;38;5;11:so=38;5;13:do=38;5;5:bd=48;5;232;38;5;11:cd=48;5;232;38;5;3:or=48;5;232;38;5;9:mi=05;48;5;232;38;5;15:su=48;5;196;38;5;15:sg=48;5;11;38;5;16:ca=48;5;196;38;5;226:tw=48;5;10;38;5;16:ow=48;5;10;38;5;21:st=48;5;21;38;5;15:ex=38;5;34:*.tar=38;5;9:*.tgz=38;5;9:*.arc=38;5;9:*.arj=38;5;9:*.taz=38;5;9:*.lha=38;5;9:*.lz4=38;5;9:*.lzh=38;5;9:*.lzma=38;5;9:*.tlz=38;5;9:*.txz=38;5;9:*.tzo=38;5;9:*.t7z=38;5;9:*.zip=38;5;9:*.z=38;5;9:*.Z=38;5;9:*.dz=38;5;9:*.gz=38;5;9:*.lrz=38;5;9:*.lz=38;5;9:*.lzo=38;5;9:*.xz=38;5;9:*.bz2=38;5;9:*.bz=38;5;9:*.tbz=38;5;9:*.tbz2=38;5;9:*.tz=38;5;9:*.deb=38;5;9:*.rpm=38;5;9:*.jar=38;5;9:*.war=38;5;9:*.ear=38;5;9:*.sar=38;5;9:*.rar=38;5;9:*.alz=38;5;9:*.ace=38;5;9:*.zoo=38;5;9:*.cpio=38;5;9:*.7z=38;5;9:*.rz=38;5;9:*.cab=38;5;9:*.jpg=38;5;13:*.jpeg=38;5;13:*.gif=38;5;13:*.bmp=38;5;13:*.pbm=38;5;13:*.pgm=38;5;13:*.ppm=38;5;13:*.tga=38;5;13:*.xbm=38;5;13:*.xpm=38;5;13:*.tif=38;5;13:*.tiff=38;5;13:*.png=38;5;13:*.svg=38;5;13:*.svgz=38;5;13:*.mng=38;5;13:*.pcx=38;5;13:*.mov=38;5;13:*.mpg=38;5;13:*.mpeg=38;5;13:*.m2v=38;5;13:*.mkv=38;5;13:*.webm=38;5;13:*.ogm=38;5;13:*.mp4=38;5;13:*.m4v=38;5;13:*.mp4v=38;5;13:*.vob=38;5;13:*.qt=38;5;13:*.nuv=38;5;13:*.wmv=38;5;13:*.asf=38;5;13:*.rm=38;5;13:*.rmvb=38;5;13:*.flc=38;5;13:*.avi=38;5;13:*.fli=38;5;13:*.flv=38;5;13:*.gl=38;5;13:*.dl=38;5;13:*.xcf=38;5;13:*.xwd=38;5;13:*.yuv=38;5;13:*.cgm=38;5;13:*.emf=38;5;13:*.axv=38;5;13:*.anx=38;5;13:*.ogv=38;5;13:*.ogx=38;5;13:*.aac=38;5;45:*.au=38;5;45:*.flac=38;5;45:*.mid=38;5;45:*.midi=38;5;45:*.mka=38;5;45:*.mp3=38;5;45:*.mpc=38;5;45:*.ogg=38;5;45:*.ra=38;5;45:*.wav=38;5;45:*.axa=38;5;45:*.oga=38;5;45:*.spx=38;5;45:*.xspf=38;5;45:"
declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/root"
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/mesosphere/bin/dcos-path:/root/bin"
declare -x PWD="/root"
declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
declare -x SHLVL="1"
declare -x SSH_CLIENT=" 58822 22"
declare -x SSH_CONNECTION=" 58822 22"
declare -x SSH_TTY="/dev/pts/0"
declare -x TERM="xterm-256color"
declare -x USER="root"
declare -x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/0"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_ID="49"

Command to create volume and start docker container is:

docker volume create -d rexray/csi-nfs data -o -o export=/data
docker run -v data:/data busybox`

First command is fine, second as in output above.

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clintkitson commented Nov 21, 2017 via email

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briantopping commented Nov 21, 2017

[root@public01 ~]# cat /etc/systemd/system/rexray.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rexray start
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


I just noticed the /etc/rexray/rexray.env file, but it is empty.

[root@public01 ~]# systemctl status -l rexray
● rexray.service - rexray
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/rexray.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-11-20 21:31:50 MST; 6min ago
 Main PID: 1693 (rexray)
   Memory: 11.9M
   CGroup: /system.slice/rexray.service
           └─1693 /usr/bin/rexray start

Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: REX-Ray
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: -------
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: Binary: /usr/bin/rexray
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: Flavor: client+agent+controller
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: SemVer: 0.11.0
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: OsArch: Linux-x86_64
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: Commit: 508023f4b0e4974f1844c26b39af7c4219f4c7a9
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: Formed: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 01:07:06 MDT
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: time="2017-11-20T21:31:53-07:00" level=info msg="http request" host="unix:///var/run/rexray/691450720.sock" route=volumesForService server=quill-crystal-si time=1511238713608 tls=false
Nov 20 21:31:53 rexray[1693]: time="2017-11-20T21:31:53-07:00" level=info msg="executing task" host="unix:///var/run/rexray/691450720.sock" instanceID="" route=volumesForService server=quill-crystal-si service=vfs storageDriver=vfs task=0 time=1511238713609 tls=false txCR=1511238713 txID=2aff048d-06cb-4a7d-4b2c-97be2f3d8034

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clintkitson commented Nov 21, 2017 via email

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briantopping commented Nov 21, 2017

Good catch, I hadn't considered that nuance, thanks!

The eventual goal is the docker containers run under dc/os, but for now just testing them at the command line. So I guess I don't need to worry whether rexray.service is running if I am just launching with docker run, correct?

Outside of that, I am not actually launching RR. If I should be, it's not clear how.

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I just performed a test of this locally on a single host.

docker run --net=host -d --name nfs --privileged -v /data1:/nfsshare -e SHARED_DIRECTORY=/nfsshare itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine:latest
X_CSI_NATIVE=true X_CSI_DRIVER=csi-nfs rexray start &
docker volume create -o host= -o export=/ -d rexray test2
docker run -ti -v test2:/test2 alpine sh
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay                8065444   1629688   6419372  20% /
tmpfs                    65536         0     65536   0% /dev
tmpfs                  1023420         0   1023420   0% /sys/fs/cgroup            8065536   1629696   6419456  20% /test2
/dev/xvda1             8065444   1629688   6419372  20% /etc/resolv.conf
/dev/xvda1             8065444   1629688   6419372  20% /etc/hostname
/dev/xvda1             8065444   1629688   6419372  20% /etc/hosts
shm                      65536         0     65536   0% /dev/shm

It is important to mention however that I am experiencing a problem with
the managed plugin, rexray/csi-nfs. As standalone managed via systemctl or
on the cmd line does seem to be working as expected. The error is below
which references a problem with the nfs utilities in the alpine image.

mounting arguments: -t nfs /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/
output: flock: unrecognized option: e
BusyBox v1.26.2 (2017-06-11 06:38:32 GMT) multi-call binary.

Usage: flock [-sxun] FD|{FILE [-c] PROG ARGS}

[Un]lock file descriptor, or lock FILE, run PROG

-s Shared lock
-x Exclusive lock (default)
-u Unlock FD
-n Fail rather than wait
mount.nfs: requested NFS version or transport protocol is not supported
mount: mounting on /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/
failed: Not supported.

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If you can, I suggest starting over re Docker. Stopping RR, stopping Docker, rm -rf /var/lib/docker, start Docker. Then start RR and I give you an example of above.

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I shall, thanks, that use case explains quite a bit. Appreciate you staying up late! Will report back with results.

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Sorry for the delay on this on my end, life interruptions. It's top of my stack tho... Happy holidays!

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benfab commented Nov 28, 2017

Hi all,

I am getting the "no such file or directory" error when I am installing rexray with the docker plugin command:

docker plugin install rexray/csi-nfs

error message

mounting /dev/csi-nfs-mounts/ on /var/lib/rexray/docker/volumes/data failed: No such file or directory.

Nevertheless, when I am running the rexray driver directly from the shell as below, it works fine.

X_CSI_NATIVE=true X_CSI_DRIVER=csi-nfs rexray start &
docker volume create -o host=<ip> -o export=/vol/data/ -d rexray test5
docker run -ti -v test5:/test5 alpine sh

Is there any extra configuration required when installing Rexray with the docker plugin command?


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Hello @benfab,

We did identify a problem in this thread re the rexray/csi-nfs managed plugin missing some dependencies which is why you are getting this error. We will work to get this fixed in the upcoming release.

@codenrhoden codenrhoden added this to the 2017.12-2 milestone Dec 13, 2017
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@briantopping @clintkitson Did you guys managed to solve the issue? I'm getting the same errors here.

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@IAPOLINARIO Looking into it for this next release. There are really two things in this issue 1) lack of example docs 2) the plugin itself doesn't have the right dependencies. Outside of the docker managed plugin it does work with examples listed here.

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I am assuming the NFS error that is occurring is related to what Alpine supports. This could be remedied with building the csi-nfs managed plugin using Ubuntu as the base instead to accommodate.

For example

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@clintkitson Thanks for the quick answer.

Let me see if I understood how to configure RR as a service (using CSI-NFS):

Step 1: install RR curl -sSL | sh
Step 2: Create a configuration file at /etc/rexray/config.yml
Step 3: Start RR service with sudo X_CSI_NATIVE=true X_CSI_DRIVER=csi-nfs rexray start
Step 4: Create a volume rexray volume create pg_data --size=20
Step 5: Run the container using the pre-created volume: docker run -dit --name pg -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword --volume-driver=rexray -v pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres

Am I missing something? Are there any other steps before those?

And I still have some questions:

1 -How the file /etc/rexray/config.yml should be configured to work with CSI-NFS?
2 - How can I change the mount point from /dev to /another-volume?
3 - What the option -o host= mean?
4 - What the option -o export=/ mean?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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@IAPOLINARIO: A few things:

  • I am running RR on a machine installed with DC/OS. I haven't looked at the origin of the package, but it has an env vars file in /etc/rexray. I put the env vars in there, no additional configuration is necessary, although the default came with a vfs service that I removed as it was giving parse errors.
  • Your step 4 needs to have the -o host= -o export=/. The host is the NFS server, the export is the directory on that server that is being exported. These are the two fields that a typical mount command defines as host:export at the end of the command line.
  • Turn on maximum debugging to help you see what's going on. There are three areas, for RR itself, for libstorage, and for the plugin (documented in the plugin README, added to the env variables).

The errors in RR are good if you know the internal sequence of events, but it will take some sleuthing in the source if you see an error. Best thing you can do is look at the most recently emitted debug statement, search the source, then figure out from there.

With all that, I was able to get connections, what I am having problems with at this point are more permission related.

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@briantopping Worked! Tks for your help.

Taking the chance: @clintkitson is there any plan to release a version that supports DELL SC8000?

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sinahamedheidari commented Oct 14, 2020

@IAPOLINARIO How you found the correct configuration for the /etc/rexray/config.yml to work with CSI-NFS?

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@IAPOLINARIO How you found the correct configuration for the /etc/rexray/config.yml to work with CSI-NFS?

Hey @sinahamedheidari, unfortunately, it was a long time ago and I don't remember exactly what I did back then. But as far as I can remember, the file doesn't exist and you need to create it manually.

Hope it can help you.

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