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This repo contains a monad for tracking running times for functions written in Coq and a number of algorithms implemented using the monad. (It's name comes from a PL seminar at Northwestern where this project got its start.)

To build:

Install coq version 8.4 (September 2012) and Racket 6.8 (or later). Make sure that coqc and racket are on your path. Run these commands:

cd rkt/tmonad
raco pkg install
cd ../..

This will check all of the proofs, extract OCaml code (into extract), and build the paper. The paper is also checked in here. The rest of this document assumes familiarity with the content of the paper.

As an overview of the structure of the code, function whose running time is proven is first written in a file name ending in _gen.rkt. The content of those files is code in a specialized langauge that is a very much like a fully parenthesized subset of Coq (with our monad), but without typechecking and without the += expressions. Functions in that language, when compiled, automatically insert the += expressions to compute running times and, when called, return their results together with the running times. (This mode of use is only intended for experimentation to try to learn facts about the functions by graphing and the like).

When you run one of the _gen.rkt files via the racket command-line tool, it also prints out the Coq code with the += expressions inserted. The Makefile collects printouts into the _gen.v files which are Loaded into the various coq scripts at the appropriate points.


Displays line count information.


This directory contains the Braun tree insertion function.

copy/, make_array/, size/, to_list/

These directories contain the Coq implementation for functions from Chris Okasaki's paper:

Three algorithms on Braun trees

Journal of Functional Programming

Volume 7 Issue 6, November 1997, 661 - 666

pdf from citeseer


This directory contains the implementation of the red-black tree insert and lookup functions


This directory contains the zipper and list insertion functions.


This directory contains the implementation of insertion sort and merge sort.


This directory contains the implementation of the naive recursive implementation of fib and the linear time implementation.


This directory contains the implementation of fold.


This directory contains the implementation of the various arithmetic operations, implemented in terms of constant-time BigNum operations.


This directory is where the extracted code (its interesting content is generated) by the Makefile.


This directory contains the implementation of the monad.


This directory contains a writeup of the monad.


This directory contains :

  • big_oh.v: definition of big_oh, big_omega, and big_theta, as well as some facts about them.

  • log.v: definitions of the log functions and some facts about them.

  • pow.v: definition of exponentiation and a fact about it.

  • braun.v: definition of Braun trees.

  • same_structure.v, sequence.v, index.v, list-util.v: some Braun-tree related utilities.

  • array.v: some facts about logs useful for Braun proofs

  • le_util.v: some facts about less than and logs

  • util.v: misc facts


This directory contains the code that inserts the += expressions.


This file is the implementation of the transformation that inserts += expressions. It is used as a language. That is, a program that begins

#lang at-exp s-exp tmonad

contains a fully-parenthesized version of Coq. Running the main module of a program written in that language prints the Coq-syntax version of the file with the appropriate += annotations in it. (Passing the file on the command-line runs the main module.) The file also turns into a Racket library that has an implementation of the definitions in the file. Those functions return all return two values: the actual result of the function and the abstract running time count. So, for example this module:

#lang racket
(require "insert_log_gen.rkt" tmonad)
(insert 3 (bt_node 1 (bt_node 2 bt_mt bt_mt) bt_mt))

prints out:

(bt_node 3 (bt_node 1 #0=bt_mt #0#) (bt_node 2 #0# #0#))

showing the result of doing the insertion (the #0# notation shows the sharing in the result; in this case it is showing the uninteresting result that there is only a single empty tree, so they are all shared) and the abstract running time.

This is the grammar for the precise language that is allowed:

A top-level definition is one of:
  (provide <id>)
  (require <relative-path>)
  (Fixpoint <id> <fp-arg> ... #:returns <type> <exp>)

An fp-arg is one of:
  #:implicit @<id>{<type>}

An exp is one of:
  (match (<exp> ...) (<pat> <pat> ... => <exp) ...)
  (if <exp> <exp> <exp>)
  (bind ([<id> <exp>]) <exp>) -- bind in the monad
  (<mnid> <exp> ...)   -- call to a function that doesn't return something in the monad
  (<id> <exp> ...)     -- call to a function that returns        something in the monad
  (<== <exp>)

A pat is either:
  (<id> <id> ...)

An id follows the usual syntax, with one exception: if it begins with an underscore, the it is included in the Coq-generated output, but dropped from the Racket version. This feature is intended to support foldr; the Racket-level version of foldr doesn't have the loop invariant argument, but the Coq version needs it.

One gotcha to watch out for: the @-notation is based on Scribble and thus it requires special escapes when there is an @ in the type. So, when a function accepts an argument bt of type @bin_tree A, then we have to write @bt{@"@"bin_tree A}.


This file contains a parser for a simple subset of Coq and produces programs in the language above. To use it, write:

#reader tmonad/coq

and it will parse the Coq-style notation and turn it into the language described above (for "tmonad").


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