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RestSharp wrapper with resilience policies, making synchronous requests more reliable to transient failure via Polly library.

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Why ReliableRestClientWrapper

Network services can fail or become temporarily unreachable. This is especially true when running code on cloud providers. It is extremely valuable to add resilience to the HTTP connection in an already existing project without having to change code.

ReliableRestClientWrapper is a wrapper over IRestClient which allows .NET applications to apply configurable resilience policies to HTTP syncrhonous operations.

How to use it

In order to automatically add resilience policies (as retry) to all your request you have to reference the ReliableRestClientWrapper Nuget package in your project and wrap your HTTP connection (IRestClient) into a ReliableRestClientWrapper.

_client = new ReliableRestClientWrapper(new RestClient(BaseUrl), RetryPolicy);

Be careful to create the REST client via the wrapped ReliableRestClientWrapper because otherwise the resilience policies will not be applied:

You need to provide a configured Polly policies to the constructor of ReliableDbConnectionWrapper:

var retryPolicy = Policy
    .WaitAndRetry(5, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100 * Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt))); 
_client = new ReliableRestClientWrapper(new RestClient(BaseUrl), retryPolicy);

Also is possible to configure multiples policies:

policyWrap = Policy.Wrap(fallback, cache, retry, breaker, bulkhead, timeout);
_client = new ReliableRestClientWrapper(new RestClient(BaseUrl), policyWrap);

Check Polly documentation to define the policies needed in each case correctly You are absolutely free to configure Polly's policies so you can decide what exceptions or even error codes, how many times you want to retry, how much time you want to wait between retries, timeout of the whole operation, etc. you want to apply.


RestSharp wrapper that provides resiliency via the Polly library.







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