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WCX Audioconverter

Audioconverter packer plugin for Total Commander (32/64-bit version)

This plugin is inspired by Plotn's 32-bit audioconverter module. Currently it supports only the most basic audio conversion functions as a proof of concept. Internally Audioconverter uses FFmpeg.

Supported formats: CDDA, CDR, FLAC, GSM, MP2, MP3, OGG, WAV.


The plugin converts selected files and folders, optionally preserving folder structure. Files with unknown extensions are ignored.


The binary plugin archive comes with the setup script. Just enter the archive, and confirm installation.


The plugin has to be tested more thoroughly. Also we should add support for more file formats and format options. Contributions are welcome.

The settings dialog is implemented in wxWidgets. It is presumed that the library is located in %SHAREDLIBS_ROOT%\wxWidgets_3_1_3.

Default setup scripts of wxWidgets provide 32-bit version of the library only. To build a 64-bit version, use the following commands:

cd /d "%SHAREDLIBS_ROOT%\wxWidgets_3_1_3\build\msw"
"%VCINSTALLDIR%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
nmake /f TARGET_CPU=X64 RUNTIME_LIBS=static BUILD=release
nmake /f TARGET_CPU=X64 RUNTIME_LIBS=static

To build Audioconverter, execute BuildMakeSetup.bat.