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Modern Application Development Dev Track - Module 5


Audience Experience Level


Average Time to Complete

60 minutes

This workshop aims to showcase how to modernize applications for solving the challenges faced by existing applications in the current landscape as below:

  • Integration: Challenging to leverage new cloud based services

  • Scalability: Not able to meet web scale due to data-centric architecture

  • Reliability: Unable to quickly deploy new capabilities

  • Developer productivity and Business Agility: Often low in comparison to cloud native applications

Take a look at the Konveyor Community’s Application Modernization Report for 2022 to understand how users and organizations define application modernization as well as top reasons for modernization.


Key Takeaways

  • Modernization has a broad spectrum of definitions, but containerizing and automation rank high.

  • The containerizing is a broad enough trend to encompass multiple strategies including refactoring with Microservices.

  • Increasing scalability and reliability are key reasons for modernization.

Technology Stack

  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

  • Red Hat Application Runtimes (Quarkus, Spring Boot, Node.js, Tomcat)

  • Red Hat OpenShift (Pipeline, GitOps, Virtualization)

  • Oracle Database and PostgreSQL


This workshop is based on Antora and Red Hat scholars template to build HTML based tutorials.

Lab Parameters

This lab supports both Antora variables than query parameters. Query params makes the workshop content dynamic, like URLs specific for your cluster to copy and paste.

In the table above, CRC and Playground links use them.

Here’s the list of all query params used (they are all optional, but generated links won’t work unless at least CLUSTER_SUBDOMAIN is set):

PARAM Description


The subdomain for your OpenShift cluster in the form apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>, e.g. apps.openshift.mydomain.tld


The username of your OpenShift cluster

Example [Dev Mode]:

Deploy to OpenShift

oc new-app --strategy=docker

oc expose deploy mad-dev-guides-m1 --port 3000

oc create route edge mad-dev-guides-m1 --service=mad-dev-guides-m1


Please refer to the how to contribute on how you can contribute to the tutorial.