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Extract Transform Load (ETL)

The script facilitates the ETL process of Olympic data sourced from CSV files, utilizing Python for extracting, cleansing, and transforming the data. The transformed data is stored in a Data Lake. Azure Data Factory manages the transfer of data from the Data Lake to Azure SQL Database, where the processed data is stored for streamlined querying and analysis purposes.


ETL, which stands for Extract, Transform, Load, is a fundamental process in data management that involves three key steps. First, it extracts data from various source systems, which can include databases, cloud storage, and other data repositories. Next, it transforms this data by cleaning, enriching, and converting it into a suitable format or structure for analysis, ensuring data quality and consistency. Finally, the transformed data is loaded into a target database or data warehouse, where it is stored for future use in data analytics, business intelligence, and data science applications. The primary goal of the ETL process is to provide a comprehensive and unified view of data, facilitating easier and more accurate analysis and reporting from multiple sources.

Pipeline Architecture

Pipeline Architecture

The pipeline architecture follows a typical ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Data is extracted from four CSV files: Athletes.csv, Coaches.csv, EntriesGender.csv, and Medals.csv using Python scripts. This raw data is then processed through a transformation pipeline where it undergoes cleaning, formatting, and enrichment to ensure consistency and relevance, resulting in a transformed dataset saved as transformed_data.csv. This transformed data is first stored in a Data Lake for scalable and durable storage. Subsequently, Azure Data Factory orchestrates the movement of this data from the Data Lake to an Azure SQL Database, facilitating efficient and reliable data loading. The final storage in Azure SQL Database enables seamless data retrieval and analysis, ensuring a robust, scalable, and efficient data processing pipeline.


  • Programming Language: Python
  • Database: Azure SQL Database


  • pandas: Python library for data manipulation and analysis
  • azure-storage-blob: A library providing access to Azure Blob storage
  • python-dotenv: A library enabling loading environment variables


  • Data Lake: A scalable storage repository that allows the storage of structured and unstructured data in its native format, facilitating data analytics, processing, and sharing.
  • Data Factory: A cloud-based data integration service provided by Azure, enabling the orchestration and automation of data movement and transformation workflows across various data sources and destinations.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine

    git clone
  2. Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory

    cd ETL-Olympics
  3. Create a virtual environment using the following command

    python -m venv venv_etl
  4. Activate the virtual environment

    • On Windows
    • On macOS and Linux
    source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the required packages using the provided requirements file

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Azure Setup

  • Azure Account: Ensure you have an active Azure account.
  • Azure Resources: Create necessary Azure resources - Data Lake Gen2, Data Factory, Azure SQL Database.


Create a file named .env in the project directory to add your Azure connection string with the following format:


Navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run the following command to start the ETL process:


This command will initiate the extraction of data from the CSV files, transform it as per the defined logic, and load the processed data into the Data Lake.

Data Schema

The transformed data is organized into a single olympics_unified table.

  • Olympics_unified: It stores detailed information about Olympic athletes, their achievements, and associated data. Below is a detailed definition of the table and its schema:
Field Dtype Description
id int An auto-incrementing integer that serves as the primary key.
Athlete varchar The name of the athlete.
Country varchar The country the athlete represents.
Discipline varchar The sport or discipline in which the athlete competes.
Rank int The rank or position in the competition.
Gold int The number of gold medals won.
Silver int The number of silver medals won.
Bronze int The number of bronze medals won.
Total_Medals int The total number of medals won.
Total_Athlete int The total number of athletes competing per country.
Coach varchar The name of the coach associated with the athlete.

Work Flow

1. Extract

Data are loaded from Csv files present at the data directory and then read into dataframe for further manipulation and analysis.

Csv Files

2. Data Cleaning And Transformation

Extracted data is processed and modified during this stage. Rows with any missing values are removed, and the text format of the Country, PersonName, and Name columns is standardized. Specific columns relevant to the final dataset are selected, and columns are renamed for better clarity and understanding. Duplicate rows are eliminated, and a new column, Id, is added to assign a unique identifier to each row. Finally, the desired column order is defined to increase efficiency.

Csv Files

3. Data Load

The transformed data is then loaded into a Data Lake. This serves as a centralized repository for storing vast amounts of data.


In Azure Data Factory linked service is created for both Azure Data Lake Storage and Azure SQL Database. A pipeline is created with a Copy Data Activity to copy data from Azure Data Lake to Azure SQL Database. The source dataset is set to the Azure Data Lake Storage dataset and the destination dataset is set to the Azure SQL Database dataset,with mappings configured as necessary. Then, a trigger is set to schedule the pipeline to run as needed, ensuring the data transfer was regular.



The final destination for the transformed data is an Azure SQL Database, where it can be efficiently queried and analyzed.The use of Azure SQL Database ensured high availability and scalability for the transformed data, making it an ideal choice for handling and analyzing large volumes of Olympic data.

Tables in sql

Future Enhancements

1. Automated Data Validation: Automated data validation checks can be implemented to ensure data quality and integrity throughout the ETL process.

2. Real-Time Data Processing: The pipeline can be developed to support real-time data extraction and processing, enabling more timely insights.

3. Scalability Improvements: Scalability improvements can be made to handle larger volumes of data, accommodating the growth of data sources and data size.

4. Advanced Analytics: Machine learning models for predictive analytics can be developed and incorporated to gain deeper data insights.

5. Data Visualization: Data visualization tools such as Power BI and Synapse Analytics can be integrated to create user-friendly dashboards and visual reports for better data analysis and interpretation.


The ETL-Olympics project successfully implements an end-to-end data pipeline for processing Olympic data sourced from CSV files. The data used in this ETL project was sourced from Kaggle, where it is publicly available for use. By utilizing this data, we have adhered to ethical guidelines regarding data usage and accessibility.

Utilizing Python, the program efficiently extracts, cleanses, and transforms the data, storing it in a Data Lake for efficient data management. Azure Data Factory then orchestrates the transfer of data from the Data Lake to Azure SQL Database, enabling streamlined querying and analysis of the processed data. This project showcases the power of cloud-based data engineering solutions in handling complex data pipelines and extracting valuable insights from large datasets. This project highlights the value of data-driven decision-making in the realm of sports analytics.


Contributions are welcome! Here's how to contribute:

  1. Fork the repo and clone your fork.
  2. Create a branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes and test them.
  4. Commit your changes with clear messages.
  5. Submit a pull request (PR) with a detailed description of your changes.

Thank you for helping improve the ETL-Olympics!