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Access and download resources over the Gemini protocol -- in PowerShell!


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PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery


A Gemini client written for PowerShell 7 and newer.


Grab it from PowerShell Gallery with: Install-Module PSGemini


In this example, we'll connect to a Gemini server and return the content.

PS C:\> Invoke-GeminiRequest gemini://
WARNING: First visit. Memorizing new certificate for

StatusCode        : 20
StatusDescription : text/gemini
Content           : # Project Gemini
                    ## Overview
                    Gemini is a new internet protocol which:
                    * Is heavier than gopher
                    * Is lighter than the web
                    * Will not replace either
                    * Strives for maximum power to weight ratio
                    * Takes user privacy very seriously

The syntax and output of this cmdlet is modeled after Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-GopherRequest, going as far as to emulate some of its properties:

PS /home/colin> igemr gemini://

StatusCode        : 20
StatusDescription : text/gemini
Content           : # Project Gemini
                    ## Overview
                    Gemini is a new internet protocol which:
                    * Is heavier than gopher
                    * Is lighter than the web
                    * Will not replace either
                    * Strives for maximum power to weight ratio
                    * Takes user privacy very seriously
RawContent        : 20 text/gemini
                    # Project Gemini
                    ## Overview
                    Gemini is a new internet protocol which:
                    * Is heavier than gopher
                    * Is lighter than the web
                    * Will not replace either
                    * Strives for maximum power to weight ratio
                    * Takes user privacy very seriously

Headers           : {}
Headings          : {@{Level=1; Content=Project Gemini}, @{Level=2; Content=Overview}, @{Level=2; Content=Resources}, @{Level=2; Content=Web proxies}…}
Links             : {@{href=gemini://; title=Official Project Gemini news}, @{href=gemini://; title=Gemini documentation}, @{href=gemini://; title=Gemini software}, @{href=gemini://; title=Known Gemini servers}…}
RawContentLength  : 1281

Downloading Files

You can also use PSGemini's -OutFile parameter to download files:

PS /Users/colin> Invoke-GeminiRequest -UseSSL gemini:// -OutFile pgp.txt
PS /Users/colin> Get-Item pgp.txt                            

    Directory: /Users/colin

UnixMode   User             Group                 LastWriteTime           Size Name
--------   ----             -----                 -------------           ---- ----
-rw-r--r-- colin            wheel                2/8/2022 08:05           5218 pgp.txt

Other Neat Features

  • Full support for all platforms that support PowerShell 7.1 or newer -- that's Windows, macOS, and Linux!
  • Since Gemini certificates can be self-signed, PSGemini maintains its own TOFU certificate store.
  • Client certificates can be provided (-Certificate [<X509Certificate>]).
  • Full support for experimental favicons (-FavIcon), disabled by default in the spirit of Gemini.