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This is an experimental module

Configures a basic monitoring pattern based on three thresholds:

  • Alerting - send to something like PagerDuty
  • Ticketing - send to something like Jira
  • Notify - send to something like Slack

Currently this module only supports these targets, though we aim to make it more flexible over time to support different integrations.

You can attach currently CloudWatch Alarms and Metric Alarms.


Here's what using the module will look like

module "monitoring" {
  source = "rhythmictech/terraform-aws-rhythmic-monitoring"

  alert_webhook              = var.pagerduty_webhook
  enable_jira_integration    = true
  name                       = "Monitoring"
  notify_webhook             = var.slack_webhook
  jira_api_token_secret_name = "jira-api-token"
  jira_issue_type            = "Incident"
  jira_project               = "JSD"
  jira_url                   = ""
  jira_username              = ""
  slack_channel              = var.slack_channel
  slack_username             = var.slack_username

Jira integration

To use Jira integration, you need to save your API key in AWS Secrets Manager. Something like this would work:

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --name jira-api-token \
  --secret-string="JIRA_API_TOKEN" \
  --tags '[{"Key":"terraform_managed","Value":"false"}]'

You can read more about how to generate them on the Atlassian Docs. If yopu are unsure of what issue types or projects you have available this blog post has some useful curl calls.

Slack Integration

To create an incoming Slack webhook you can read these docs and will end up with a webhook like this:

Pagerduty Integration

This module uses Pagerduty's AWS Cloudwatch integration, which you can read about on the pagerduty docs. Another helpful example is this blog post You will end up with a webhook like the one below:


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
archive 1.3.0
aws >= 3.0
null 3.0.0


Name Version
archive 1.3.0
aws >= 3.0
null 3.0.0


Name Description Type Default Required
alert_webhook Webhook to send alerts to. Currently must be a PagerDuty webhook string n/a yes
name Moniker to apply to all resources in the module string n/a yes
notify_webhook Webhook to send notifications to. Currently must be a Slack webhook string n/a yes
slack_channel Slack channel to route alerts to string n/a yes
create_jira_secret_access_policy If true, will attach an IAM policy granting read access to the secret containing the Jira access token. Only effective if enable_jira_integration=true bool true no
enable_jira_integration Enable Jira integration Lambda bool false no
jira_api_token_secret_name Name of Secrets Manager secret containing API Token to use for requests (see string null no
jira_issue_type Issue Type (key) to use for all issues string null no
jira_project Jira Project Key to create issues in string null no
jira_url URL of Jira instance string null no
jira_username Jira Username (must match specified API key) string null no
pip_path Path to your pip installation (must be valid if enable_jira_integration=true) string "/usr/local/bin/pip" no
slack_username Slack username to post alerts as (will use aws account id if not specified) string "" no
tags User-Defined tags map(string) {} no


Name Description
sns_topic_alert_arn Alert Topic ARN
sns_topic_notify_arn Notification Topic ARN
sns_topic_ticket_arn Ticketing Topic ARN