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Floating menu for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android


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Floating menu for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android with Font icons (like FontAwesome or others).
NuGet package : NuGet

Demo of FloatingMenu in Coinstantine App

Demo on iOS Demo on Android



Register the service in the DI Container

You will need to register the service to be able to use it.

// With MvvmCross
Mvx.RegisterType(() => Coinstantine.FloatingMenu.CrossFloatingMenu.Current);

Add the fonts

You need to add the fonts you'll be using for the icons. First, you will have to add the font files (otf, ttf) to the iOS resources folder (under Fonts for instance). And register them in the file

  <string>Fonts/Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.otf</string>
  <string>Fonts/Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.otf</string>
  <string>Fonts/Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf</string>

Then, you have to add a key per font. The same key needs to be used in the core project.

CrossFloatingMenu.AddFont(key, fontFamily);
CrossFloatingMenu.AddFont("FontAwesomeSolid", "FontAwesome5FreeSolid");
CrossFloatingMenu.AddFont("Icomoon", "icomoon");

If you don't know the family name of your font, you can retreive those using UIFontExtensions.PrintAllFonts(). This method will print all the fonts registered in your iOS app.


Register the service in the DI Container

You will need to register the service to be able to use it.

// With MvvmCross
Mvx.RegisterType(() => Coinstantine.FloatingMenu.CrossFloatingMenu.Current);

Set the resolver of the current activity

You will also have to set the resolver of the current activity. This function is used to get the current activity while shouwing the menu. If you're using Current Activity Plugin from James Montemagno, you can set the resolver in this way in SplashScreenActivity.

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
      CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Init(this, bundle);
      CrossFloatingMenu.SetCurrentActivityResolver(() => CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity);

Add the fonts

You need to add the font files (otf, ttf) to the Android Asset folder. Then, you have to add the same font keys you did for iOS. Remember those keys need to be used in the core projet.

CrossFloatingMenu.AddFont(key, familyName);
CrossFloatingMenu.AddFont("FontAwesomeSolid", "Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf");
CrossFloatingMenu.AddFont("Icomoon", "icomoon.ttf");

Here, the family name is the name file, including the extension.



The interaction with the menu happens with this service IFloatingMenu

public interface IFloatingMenu
    void SetStyle(IMenuStyle style);
    Task ShowMenu(IEnumerable<MenuItemContext> items);
    Task HideMenu();
    Task ShowMenuFrom(IEnumerable<MenuItemContext> items, TouchLocation touchLocation);


public class MenuItemContext
    public string IconText { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public ICommand SelectionCommand { get; set; }
    public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } = true;

Every icon shown on the menu is a MenuItemContext. To show the menu you have to provide a list of MenuItemContexts

  • IconText : is the key of your icon. The one you define while setting the style. (wallet in the example, see below)
  • Text : is the text that will be shown on the right of the icon
  • SelectionCommand : is the command that will be executed when the item is selected
  • IsEnabled : if false, will show the icon and the text grayed out.
Items = new List<MenuItemContext>
                new MenuItemContext
                    Text = "Your wallet",
                    IconText = "wallet",
                    SelectionCommand = WalletCommand,
                new MenuItemContext
                    Text = "See your aidrops",
                    IconText = "airdrop",
                    IsEnabled = false,
public IMvxCommand WalletCommand => new MvxCommand(Wallet);
private void Wallet()

Menu Style

Before showing the menu, you need to define its style

public interface IMenuStyle
    AppColor CrossColor { get; set; }
    IFonts Fonts { get; set; }
    AppColor CircleColor { get; set; }
  • CrossColor : using an AppColor object that defines Alpha, Red, Green and Blue [0 - 255], will give the color of the cross on the middle of the screen. Used to close the menu.
  • CircleColor : using also an AppColor, will give the main color of the menu. The smalled circle will be 100% opaque and the biggest the circle is, the less opaque it will be.

You can use AppFonts which needs to be populated with a list of MenuItemFont

public class MenuItemFont
    public string FontFamily { get; set; }
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string Key { get; set; }
    public AppColor TextColor { get; set; }
  • FontFamily : is the font key you defined in the setup of every plateform. ("FontAwesomeSolid" for example)
  • Key : the key of the icon you want to use. Can be anything readable. ("wallet" for example)
  • Code : the code of the icon in the font ("\uf555" is the code to define to use wallet icon of Font Awesome)
var style = new MenuStyle
                CrossColor = new AppColor { Red = XX, Blue = XX, Green = XX },
                CircleColor = new AppColor { Red = XX, Blue = XX, Green = XX },

                Fonts = new AppFonts
                    MenuItemFonts = new List<MenuItemFont>
                        new MenuItemFont
                            Key = "wallet",
                            Code = "\uf555",
                            FontFamily = "FontAwesomeSolid",
                            TextColor = new AppColor { Red = XX, Blue = XX, Green = XX }
                        new MenuItemFont
                            Key = "airdrop",
                            Code = "\ue901",
                            FontFamily = "Icomoon",
                            TextColor = new AppColor { Red = XX, Blue = XX, Green = XX }

Then you call show the menu.


For iOS, you can also have the menu opened from a specific point of the screen.

TouchLocation touchLocation = new TouchLocation(x, y);
FloatingMenu.ShowMenu(Items, touchLocation);


Floating menu for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android







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