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ricardoboss edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

Your first STEP program

Make sure you have set up the STEP CLI before you continue.

1. Create a new file

Create a new text file in a folder of your choice and call it hello.step.

You can do this with a text editor, for example Visual Studio Code.

2. Write your first program

In the file you created, write the following code:

println("Hello, world!")

3. Run your program

To run this program, you need to open a terminal in the folder where you created the file.

Then, you can run the following command:

step hello.step

This will run your program and print Hello, world! to the terminal.

Congratulations! 🎉

You have just written and run your first STEP program!

Next steps

Now that you have written your first STEP program, you can learn more about the language in the Language Reference or in the Functions overview.

If you run into any problems, check out the Help page of the wiki or ask for help on @ricardoboss' Discord server in the #step channel.

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