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Http Server

ricardoboss edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 1 revision

HTTP Server

STEP has the ability to serve HTTP requests. This can be used for creating websites and toying around with web technologies.

"Hello World" Server

This script will start a server on localhost:8080 and respond to all requests with "Hello World":

httpServer(8080, (map request) {
	return "Hello World"

The call to httpServer is blocking, meaning any code after it is not executed.

You can also pass an existing function:

function handleRequest = (map request) {
	return "Hello World"

httpServer(8080, handleRequest)

Serving Files

This script will start a server on localhost:8080 and serve files from the current directory. It will also serve index.html when the user requests /:

httpServer(8080, (map request) {
	if (!startsWith(request["path"], "/")) {
		request["path"] = "/" + request["path"]

	if (request["path"] == "/") {
		request["path"] = "/index.html"

	string file = "." + request["path"]
	if (fileExists(file)) {
		return fileResponse(file)

	return {"body": "404 Not Found", "status": 404}