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Richard Geoghegan

A former retailer turned coder, interested in making tasks simpler and easier through the medium of code.

Having been involved from the client side of web development in my previous job, this stirred a passion for how customer experiences can be vastly improved using code as well as business efficiency.

I am looking to continue my journey into the world of web development in an environment that supports junior developers with developing my newly found skills, working in a fun environment with like minded people.


Below you will find my final project along with a small app completed in a makerthon, as well as a couple of my other projects completed whilst at Makers Academy.

Projects A little about these...
rand(Cast) For our final project we built a podcast app that randomised the results of podcasts the user could listen too based on genre and duration they have selected. We built the app using Ionic framework
OnTap During a 2 day makerthon at Makers Academy, we made a beer finding application in Angular utilising the Yelp Api and Google maps to highlight the nearest pubs to the users location
Instagram A take on the popular photo sharing app Instagram, allowing users to upload thier images as well as comment and like other users photos. I used ruby on rails with ActiveRecord whilst utilising an MVC approach
Chitter Chitter, the younger brother to the very popular app Twitter. Chitter allows users to send peeps to one another and view all peeps in a simple chronological order. I used Sinatra, Ruby and data-mapper for this project

Team Work and Communication

  • In my previous role I would collaborate with multiple teams across many areas of the business, including clients and suppliers on a daily basis
  • During my time at Makers, I have worked both in pairs and in larger groups for our projects, this included the running of our own stand ups
  • Mentoring a fellow Makers student due to start in the next cohort allowed me to share my experiences and support them through their first few weeks of the course

Problem Solving

  • This has always been something that has excited me, my previous roles allowed me to explore new simpler and cheaper ways for the business to improve the way tasks were completed, whilst having the customer at the fore front of all of my decisions
  • Developing this skill during my time at Makers, along with a 'no quit' attitude has helped to realise the answer is always out there, just keep digging until you find it

Technical Skills

Types Know Used Touched on
Languages Ruby, CSS, HTML5 Javascript, jQuery, Haml Swift, Java
Databases/ORMs PostgreSQL, Datamapper ActiveRecord MongoDb
Frameworks Ruby on Rails, Sinatra Ionic, Angular.js, Bootstrap Meteor
Testing RSpec, Capybara, Jasmine Cucumber, Karma, Factory Girl, Protractor
Other Version control through Github Deployment to Heroku, Agile best practices, Managing issues through Android and iOS development

Makers Academy: July '15 - October '15

A highly selective 12 week coding bootcamp

  • A focus on pair programming and group project work
  • Independent learner and problem-solver
  • Focus on Agile methodology and software development
  • Taught cutting edge coding techniques and best practices including; TDD, BDD, OOP and MVC
  • Angular.js, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby, Rails and Sinatra
  • Capybara, Cucumber, Jasmine, Karma, Protractor and RSpec


Tesco: September '97 - April '15

Seasonal Operations Manager: June '13 - April '15

  • Managing a £1m budget delivering additional storage to stores over the Christmas period
  • Collaboratively planning and delivering a 500k unit stock push over a 3 day period to 140 stores for Christmas
  • Analysing competitor activity over seasonal periods to maximise sales through improved store openings and communicate proposal to senior leadership team

Deputy Manager: February '12 - June '13

Lead Non Food Manager: October '08 - February '12

Stock Control Manager: February '02 - October '08

Contact me


My skills and experience






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