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A tool for editing tokens inside documents written in .NET MAUI/.NET8.

It supports custom token formats, quick access templates, and .dtes files which allow per file overrides to most settings.


Start application and load a file to edit, the application will look for tokens in the file and present editable fields for those found.

By default the token formats are {{TOKEN_NAME}} and {{TOKEN_NAME:TOKEN_TYPE}}.

Supported Token Types

  • SingleLineText: Replaces token with a single line of text. (This is the default type)
  • MultiLineText: Replaces the token with multiple lines of text.
  • Select: Replaces the token with one of multiple predefined values. (This type requires the use of a .dtes file)
  • Color: Replaces the token with a color. Also has a color preview built into it.

Sample Document

Greetings, {{FirstName}}! It's been a long time since we talked, remember our old alma mater? GO BLUE AND {{Color:Color}}.

I'm reaching out to you about your cars extended warranty!

You can reach me at {{PhoneNumber}} or {{Email}}.

Feel free to read the first paragraph of my new book "{{BookName}}",


  "TemplateService": {
    "Directory": "templates" // Directory to use when looking for templates
  "TokenService": {
    "DefaultTokenFormat": {
      "Start": "{{", // Character/s specifying the start of a token
      "End": "}}", // Character/s specifying the end of a token
      "Divider": ":" // Character/s specifying the divider in tokens

.dtes Files

.dtes files should be named the same as the file they are associated with and in the same folder. If the file is MyDocument.html than the .dtes file should be MyDocument.html.dtes

  "TokenSettings": {
    "TOKEN_NAME": {
      "Type": "SingleLineText", // Type of editor to use; See Token Types for valid values
      "MaxLength": 128, // Sets field max length; Supported by SingleLineText & MultiLineText
      "DefaultValue": "Lorem ipsum...", // Self-explanatory
      "Placeholder": "Placeholder Text", // Self-explanatory
      "NewlineToBr": true, // Converts newlines to <br>; Supported by MultiLineText
      "SelectOptions": { // Options that can be chosen from when Type=Select
        "Option1": "Option1Value", // Option1 is displayed in editor, Option1Value replaces token
        "Option2": "Option2Value" // Option2 is displayed in editor, Option2Value replaces token
  "TokenFormat": { // Allows custom TokenFormat for file, works same as in appsettings.json
    "Start": "!!",
    "End": "!!"


By default templates are stored in the templates folder inside the application folder, this can be changed by changing the value of TemplateService.Directory in the appsettings.json.

The template system does not display .dtes files placed inside the template folder.

To add templates simply add files to the specified templates folder.

To remove templates simply remove files from the templates folder.