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My Arch Config ✨

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Display Manager 🖥️

  • Display Manager: X11

Window Manager 🪟

Shortcut Manager ⌨️

  • Shortcut Manager: sxhkd
  • BSPWM Shortcuts
Shortcut Description
Super + Return Open terminal (kitty)
Super + P Launch program launcher (rofi -show drun)
Super + Escape Reload sxhkd configuration files
Super + Alt + R Quit/restart bspwm
Super + Q Close or kill window
Super + M Toggle between tiled and monocle layout
Super + T Toggle tiled mode
Super + Shift + T Toggle pseudo-tiled mode
Super + F Toggle floating mode
Super + S Toggle fullscreen mode
Super + Left/Down/Up/Right Focus node in specified direction
Super + Shift + Left/Down/Up/Right Swap node with adjacent node in specified direction
Super + 1-9/0 Focus on or send window to specified desktop
Super + Alt + Left/Right Focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor
Super + Right Mouse Move floating window
Super + Left Mouse Resize floating window
Super + Alt + Control + Left/Down/Up/Right Expand/contract window

Notification Manager 💬

  • Notification Manager: dunst

Screenshot Manager 📸

  • Screenshot Manager: scrot

Aesthetics 🎨

Utilities 🛠️

Credits 🌟