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Mutation testing unit tests of a simple linear algebra library.

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  • Made as Course Project for Software Testing course (T1 23-24)
  • Here we try out Mutation Testing on the Unit Tests that we wrote for the existing Linear Algebra library.
  • The code for linear algebra functions is taken from, so I would like to thank them.
  • Concepts learned - Unit Testing, Mutation Testing
  • Tools learned - JUnit, PIT


  • Project report can be found in Project_Report.pdf file
  • Project stmt can be found in Project_Expectations.pdf file
  • contains some additional notes to get familiar with Maven, JUnit and PIT
  • The source code used for project can be found in src/main folder
  • Testing strategy used for the project: Mutation Testing
  • Unit test code can be found in the src/test folder
  • The mutation testing report can be found in target/pit-reports folder


Operators Used

Errors Found via Mutation Testing

This is due to the absence of boundary testcases.

Work Distribution

IMT2020038 Pratham: Understood source code, took care of JUnit unit testing (80%)

IMT2020067 Rishi: Found source code, modified it acc. to need, took care of PIT mutation testing, did some unit testing (20%)

Steps To Run

Project management

  • The project is managed with Maven

Unit testing

  • The code was unit tested using JUnit

  • To run the unit tests, run the following command:

    mvn test

Mutation testing

  • Mutation testing was applied on the project using PIT Mutation Testing tool

  • To run the mutation tests, run the following command:

    mvn -DwithHistory test-compile org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage

  • This will generate an HTML report of mutation testing inside the target/pit-reports folder

Driver code

  • Demo driver code is written in to get familiar with the linearalgebra library

  • To run the file, run the following commands:

    mvn package

    java -cp ./target/project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar linearalgebra.Main

linearalgebra (library description)

A linear algebra package in Java.

For flexibility, most methods are overloaded to include both static versions (which require the object as the first parameter) and instance methods. The static method does the heavy lifting, and the instance method is a wrapper for the static method using this as an argument (e.g. Matrix.transpose(this)).

No operations are carried out in-place––all operations that modify the object return a copy of the object with the modifications.

Current classes and capabilities (as of November 1, 2020)

Vector class

Because linear algebra (as it applies to machine learning) largely revolves around lists of numbers, the Vector class is a fancy wrapper for an array of doubles, and provides common functionality for working with both that array, in addition to operations involving other Vector objects.


  • entries - array of doubles


  • Vector(double...) - accepts either a list of doubles (e.g. Vector(1,2,3)), or an array of doubles (e.g. Vector(new double[] {1,2,3}))

  • Vector(Vector) - copies the entries in the passed Vector object's private field into a new Vector object

Setters / Getters / Special calls to constructor

  • getEntries() - returns a copy of (not a reference to) entries

  • get(int) - returns the value in the specified position of the Vector, e.g. u.get(3) returns the entry in position 3

  • identityVector(int) - returns the additive identity Vector with the specified length, which is just a list of zeros

  • set(int, double) - sets the value at the specified index to be equal to the passed value

  • setEntries(double[]) - sets the values in the entries field

  • toString() - returns a Python-style representation of the Vector, e.g. "[1, 2, 3]"

Unary Operations (operations on a single Vector)

  • inverseVector(Vector) / inverseVector() - returns the additive inverse of the Vector, which is the same vector, with the signs flipped (e.g. {1, -2, 3} becomes {-1, 2, -3})

  • isCanonicalBasisVector(Vector) - checks to see if Vector is all zeros, except for a single 1

  • isZero(Vector) - checks to see if the Vector is essentially zero, which I've defined as smaller than Double.MIN_VALUE * 10.

  • length(Vector) - returns the number of entries in the Vector, which is the length of v

  • magnitude(Vector) - returns the Euclidean norm of the Vector

  • normalize() - scales a Vector v with the factor (1/v.magnitude()). Throws an IllegalArgumentException if v.isZero() returns true

  • pnorm(double) - computes the Lp norm with the given value of p

Binary Operations (operations on two Vectors)

  • add(Vector) / add(Vector, Vector) - adds corresponding entries in two Vector objects, provided they have the same length.

  • angleDegrees(Vector, Vector) / angleRadians(Vector, Vector) - returns the angle between the two Vectors (arccos( / (u1.magnitude() * u2.magnitude()))) in either degrees or radians

  • checkLengths(Vector, Vector) checks to make sure the two Vector - objects have compatible lengths and throws an IllegalArgumentException if they have different lengths

  • cross(Vector) / cross(Vector, Vector)- computes the cross product for two three-dimensional Vectors. The cross product is only defined for three-dimensional vectors, so an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if a Vector any other dimension is passed.

  • dot(Vector) / dot(Vector, Vector) - computes the dot product for two Vectors of the same length, which is the sum of products of corresponding entries, e.g. {1, 2, 3} dot {4, 5, 6} = (1)(4) + (2)(5) + (3)(6).

  • subtract(Vector) / subtract(Vector,Vector) - subtracts the passed Vector from the calling Vector, or the second Vector from the first

Other Operations

  • linearCombination(Vector[], double[]) - returns a weighted sum by multiplying the Vector objects in the Vector array by the weights in the double array.

  • multiply(Vector, double) / multiply(double) - computes the scalar product by multiplying each entry in the Vector by the specified double

  • scalarTripleProduct(Vector, Vector, Vector) - computes the scalar triple product of the three vectors, e.g. This operation is NOT commutative.

Other Operations 2

  • outerProduct(Vector, Vector) -

  • orthogonalProjection(Vector, Vector) -

Matrix class

The Matrix class takes advantage of many of the properties of the Vector class in order to work with a 2D array of doubles. Although there are many use cases possible for a Matrix class, I am focusing functionality in two primary areas before diving into more specific uses: machine learning and linear algebra operations. For machine learning purposes, we'll mostly be needing to multiply a Vector object by a Matrix object, pass the output through an activation function of some kind, and update the entries in the Matrix according to some kind of loss function. To accomplish this, we need a variety of linear algebra tricks, such as grabbing a row or column as a Vector, updating a single row or column, adding, subtracting, or multiplying Matrix objects, multiplying Matrix objects, and performing elementary operations such as adding a multiple of one row onto another row.


  • entries - a 2D double array. It is assumed that the array is rectangular.


  • Matrix(double[][]) - accepts the 2D array directly and copies its entries into the private field entries

  • Matrix(Matrix) - copy constructor

Setters / Getters / Special calls to constructor

I'm using the terms "setters" and "getters" very loosely here in order to organize this README, because methods like getColumn do not return the value in a private field––they return a subset of entries in entries as a Vector object.

  • getEntries() -

  • minorMatrix(Matrix, int, int) - returns a copy of the Matrix object with the indicated row and column dropped.

  • fromColumnVectors(Vector...) - accepts either an array of Vector objects, or a list of Vector objects as parameters, and returns a Matrix where those Vector objects make up the columns. Vector objects must all have the same length, or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Implemented by returning the transpose of the value returned by fromRowVectors

  • fromRowVectors(Vector...) - accepts an array of Vector objects, or a list of Vector objects as parameters, and returns a Matrix where the Vector objects make up the rows. Vector objects must all have the same length, or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

  • dropColumn(Matrix, int) / dropRow(Matrix, int) - returns a copy of the Matrix object with the specified row/column removed. Note that this operation does change the index of the entries after the dropped column/row.

  • getColumn(Matrix,m int) / getRow(Matrix, int) - accepts an int for the index of the desired column/row, and returns the entries in that column as a Vector object. If the column/row index is out of range, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown

  • getEntry(int, int) - accepts an int for the row index and an int for the column index, and returns the entry at entries[row][col]. If either of the values are out of range, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

  • getNumColumns(Matrix) / getNumRows(Matrix) - returns the length of the first row in entries (columns), i.e. entries[0].length, or the length of entries, i.e. entries.length. We assume the array is rectangular, and not ragged.

  • identityMatrix(int) returns an n-by-n Matrix (where n is specified as a parameter) which has ones on the diagonal, and zeros elsewhere.

  • setColumn(Matrix, int, double[]) / setColumn(int, Vector) / setRow(Matrix, int, double[]) / setRow(Matrix, int, Vector) - accepts an int for the index of the column/row we want to set and either an array of new entries or a Vector of new entries, and replaces the entries in that column/row with the new entries. If the length of the new entries is not equal to the length of the column/row being set, or if the column/row index specified is out of range, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

  • setEntry(Matrix, double, int, int) -

  • toColumnVectors(Matrix) - returns the columns of the Matrix as an array of Vector objects

  • toRowVectors(Matrix) - returns the rows of the Matrix as an array of Vector objects

  • toString() - represents entries Python-style as a stack of row vectors, e.g.

[[1, 2, 3], [4, -5, 6], [-7, 8, 9]]

Unary Operations (operations on a single Matrix)

  • determinant(Matrix) - recursively computes the determinant of a square matrix using the Laplace expansion, O(n!). Not recommended for use.

  • isDiagonal(Matrix) - returns true if the Matrix is square and all nonzero entries (threshold-checked) are located on the diagonal

  • isLowerTriangular(Matrix) - returns true if all values below the diagonal are zero

  • isPermutationMatrix(Matrix) - returns true if the Matrix is all zeros, except for a single 1 in each row and each column

  • isSparse(Matrix) / isSparse(Matrix, double) - counts the number of (threshold-checked) zero entries. No-arg version returns true if there are no more nonzero entries than max{number of rows, number of columns}. Version that accepts a double allows user to specify the proportion explicitly. As of now, this is simply a check, and no optimizations for sparse matrices are carried out.

  • isSquare(Matrix) - checks to see if the number of rows equals the number of columns. All methods that operate only on square matrices call this method immediately and throw an IllegalArgumentException if it returns false.

  • isUpperTriangular(Matrix) - checks to see if all entries above the diagonal are (threshold-checked) zero

  • shape(Matrix) - returns the shape of the Matrix as an array of length two: {numRows, numCols}

  • trace(Matrix) - returns the sum of the values on the diagonal of a square Matrix

  • transpose(Matrix) - returns the transpose of the Matrix, which swaps rows and columns. That is, row i becomes column i and column j becomes row j.

  • swapColumns(Matrix, int, int) - accepts two column indices, and swaps the columns at those indices. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if either index is out of range.

  • swapRows(Matrix, int, int) - accepts two row indices, and swaps the rows at those indices. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if either index is out of range.

Binary Operations (operations on two Matrix objects)

  • add(Matrix, Matrix) - returns a new Matrix whose entries are sums of the corresponding entries of two Matrix objects.

  • subtract(Matrix, Matrix) - subtracts the second matrix from the first (or the passed matrix from the calling matrix).

  • multiply(Matrix, Matrix) - returns a new Matrix which is the product of matrix multiplication. The number of columns in the left Matrix must match the number of rows in the right Matrix, or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Matrix multiplication is NOT commutative, so multiply(a, b) will generally not equal multiply(b, a), and multiply(a, b) being defined does not imply multiply(b, a) is even defined. In the instance method, the calling Matrix is on the left in the multiplication, i.e. Matrix.multiply(this, m).

Other Operations - operations between Matrix objects and other types of objects

  • multiply(Matrix, double) - multiplies every entry in the Matrix by the passed double.

  • multiply(Matrix, Vector) - multiplies the Vector object by the Matrix object and returns the resultant Vector.

  • addVectorToColumn(Matrix, Vector, int) - adds the entries in the passed Vector object to the specified column of the Matrix object. Length of Vector must match the length of the column or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

  • addVectorToRow(Matrix, Vector, int) - adds the entries in the passed Vector object to the specified row of the Matrix object. Length of Vector must match the length of the row or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.


Mutation testing unit tests of a simple linear algebra library.







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