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Product Catalog with Add to Cart Feature, Grid View and List View

Demo Link


Product List View


Product Grid View


Cart View

Product Catalogue

  • Product List with Grid View and List View Option
  • Single Page application shopping cart list.
  • Same product can be added multiple times
  • Item matched with Inventory
  • Local JSON. for Product and Inventory
  • Redux with persist for Cart Data
  • Full functional shopping cart with Add Remove items.

Packages Used

  • React
  • React-Dom
  • Redux
  • redux-persist
  • treduz-thunk
  • toastify

Free to use Created by Ritesh Newal

npm install
#install packages as mentioned in package.json

npm run start
Runs the app in the development mode.\

npm run build
Builds the app for production to the build folder.\

#shopping-cart #shopping-cart-react. #SPA #cart-gid-view-list-view


Note - All Images are used for representation of UI/UX only, user needs to change all logos and images