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Rank system

Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 4 revisions

Merbots administration uses rank system that differentiate privileges for each of rank.
Higher rank inherits the privileges of the lower.


sudo user is the highest rank and have all privileges. It's inherits the privileges of admin, owner and mod.
Initiallly, sudo is the bot account. But we can add sudo users later using visudo command.

sudo privileges:

  • set the bot to autoleave
  • promote or demote another sudoers
  • promote or demote administartors


admin is the second highest rank after sudo and inherits the privileges of owner and mod.

admin privileges:

  • create group
  • globally ban user
  • add or remove groups from administration
  • enable or disable bot in a group
  • whitelisting or remove whitelist groups
  • whitelisting or remove whitelist users
  • promote or demote groups owners


owner is a group owners. It's inherits the privileges of mod.

owner privileges:

  • set group settings
  • set group restrictions
  • promote or demote moderators


mod is the least privileged in rank system.

mod privileges:

  • kick users
  • ban users
  • invite users


user is default user.
It's have no priveleges but can still issuing administrations commands; i.e print groups invite link, rules and descriptions.


ban is banned user. It's will be kicked out of the group and re-kicked if try to re-join.