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NHibernate extensions. Discussed on

DateTime extension methods (for Query Over):

  • Int32 Day(this DateTime dateTimeProperty): returns the day part of a date
  • Int32 Month(this DateTime dateTimeProperty): returns the month part of a date
  • Int32 Year(this DateTime dateTimeProperty): returns the year part of a date

Dialect extension methods:

  • Dialect GetDialect(this ISessionFactory factory): returns the current Dialect from a session factory
  • ISQLFunction RegisterFunction(this ISessionFactory factory, String name): registers a new SQL function that exists on the database
  • ISQLFunction RegisterFunction(this ISessionFactory factory, String name, String sql): registers a new SQL function with custom SQL

IEnumerable extension methods:

  • IQueryable Query(this IEnumerable collection): executes a server-side query over an entity collection

ISession extension methods:

  • T Attach(this ISession session, T entity, LockMode mode = null): attaches a disconnected entity to a session
  • Int32 Delete(this ISession session): deletes all entities of a given type
  • Boolean DeleteById(this ISession session, Object id): deletes a single entity by its id
  • EntityEntry Entry(this ISession session, T entity): returns the First Level Cache entry for a given entity
  • void Evict(this ISession session): removes all entities of a given type from the First Level Cache
  • void Evict(this ISession session, Object id): removes a single of a given type from the First Level Cache by its id
  • IDictionary<String, Object> GetDirtyProperties(this ISession session, T entity): returns all the dirty properties of an entity
  • T GetFromCache(this ISession session, Object id): returns an entity of a given type from the First Level Cache by its id
  • Boolean HasDirtyProperties(this ISession session, Object entity): checks if an entity has dirty properties
  • IEnumerable Local(this ISession session, Status status = Status.Loaded): returns all of the entities of a given type from the First Level Cache
  • IQueryable Query(this ISession session, Type entityType): returns a not strongly typed query for a given entity
  • void Reset(this ISession session, Object entity): resets an entity to its original definition

IQueryable extension methods (for LINQ):

  • IQueryable Between<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable source, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector, TKey low, TKey high) where TKey : IComparable: returns all entities whose property is between two boundary values
  • IQueryable Compare(this IQueryable query, Operand op, String propertyName, Object value = null): returns all entities that match a condition
  • IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable query, String propertyName): orders a previously unordered query by a property name as a string
  • IOrderedQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable query, String propertyName, Boolean ascending): orders a previously unordered query by a property name as a string and a flag
  • IOrderedQueryable OrderByDescending(this IQueryable query, String propertyName): orders descending a previously unordered query by a property name as a string
  • IOrderedQueryable ThenBy(this IOrderedQueryable query, String propertyName): orders an already ordered query by a property name as a string
  • IOrderedQueryable ThenBy(this IQueryable query, String propertyName, Boolean ascending): orders an already ordered query by a property name as a string and a flag
  • IOrderedQueryable ThenByDescending(this IOrderedQueryable query, String propertyName): orders descending an already ordered query by a property name as a string

String extension methods (for LINQ):

  • String Soundex(this String input): applies the SOUNDEX algorithm to a string (SQL Server only)

Copyright Ricardo Peres 2013








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