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PRESIDENT: PaiRwisE Sequence IDENtiTy

Calculate pairwise nucleotide identity with respect to a reference sequence.

Given a reference and a query sequence, calculate pairwise nucleotide identity with respect to the reference sequence relative to the entire length of the reference. In the main metric, only informative nucleotides (A, T, G, C) are considered identical to each other. The tool also provides some further metrics (e.g. regarding ambiguous 'N's) and splits the input FASTA into valid and failed FASTA files for further processing.


To install president with conda, run the commands below:

conda create -y -n president -c bioconda -c conda-forge president
conda activate president

Note that pblat is a dependency and only runs on Linux. Alternatively, president can be installed with pip in an environment where pblat is in the PATH:

pip install pypresident

Another possibility is to use a docker image with all dependencies installed:

docker pull rkibioinf/president:latest


The pairwise alignment can be run with the following console call:

president --query query.fasta --reference reference.fasta -x identity_threshold -n n_threshold -t threads -p /path/to/output/ -f prefix

To run an example, download a query FASTA and a reference FASTA from GitLab.

Run the alignment with the following command and identity of ACGT bases of 90% and maximal 5% Ns in the query. Note that multiple fasta sequences are allowed to be present in the query but not in the reference FASTA.

president -q NC_045512.2.20mis.fasta -r NC_045512.2.fasta -x 0.9 -n 0.05 -t 4 -p output/ -f test_


The script provides:

  • a tab-separated file with the below listed columns
  • a FASTA file with valid sequences
  • a FASTA file with invalid sequences

The separation between the valid and invalid bin is mainly based on the defined identity/n thresholds (-x, default: 0.9; -n, default: 0.05) and further sanity checks (non-IUPAC characters). Note that for multiple query inputs the valid and invalid sequence headers are NOT associate with their filename. This meta information must be retrieved from the report. An example from the call described above can be found online.

Attention: If your query sequence includes gap symbols (- or .; for example from a previous alignment step), president will remove them from the output sequence! Rational: Gap symbols should be not part of a consensus sequence (for which the tool was developed) and will therefore be removed. Until version 0.6.7 gap symbols were replaced with N!

The transposed version of the output is shown below.

variable value
query_name NC_045512.2 Severe acute [...]
reference_name NC_045512.2 Severe acute [...]
file_in_query NC_045512.2.20mis.fasta
file_in_ref NC_045512.2.fasta
ACGT Nucleotide identity 0.9987
ACGT Nucleotide identity (ignoring Ns) 0.9994
ACGT Nucleotide identity (ignoring non-ACGTNs) 0.9994
qc_all_valid True
qc_is_empty_query False
qc_post_align_pass_threshold True
qc_post_aligned True
qc_post_aligned_all_valid True
qc_valid_length True
qc_valid_nucleotides True
qc_valid_pass_nthreshold True
acgt_bases 29883
iupac_bases 20
non_iupac_bases 0
N_bases 20
length_query 29903
length_reference 29903
LongestNGap 20
Matches 29864
Mismatches 19
query_index 0
Date 2021-01-20
  1. query_name - FASTA ID of the query sequence + file origin, format :
  2. reference_name - FASTA ID of the reference sequence
  3. file_in_query - the input query file name
  4. file_in_ref - the input reference file name (note that for multiple input queries a tempororay file name is reported)
  5. ACGT Nucleotide identity - Percentage of ACGT matches to the reference (# matches / max(sequence_lengths))
  6. ACGT Nucleotide identity (ignoring Ns) - Percentage of ACGT matches to the reference (# matches / max(sequence_lengths) - #Ns in query)
  7. ACGT Nucleotide identity (ignoring non-ACGTNs) - Percentage of ACGT matches to the reference (# matches / max(sequence_lengths) - #non-ACGTNs in query)
  8. qc_all_valid - True if all checks below are True
  9. qc_is_empty_query - True if input query file is not empty
  10. qc_post_align_pass_threshold - True if 'ACGT Nucleotide identity' is greater than the -x parameter
  11. qc_post_aligned - Set to True if the sequence was aligned (can be False either because of initial checks or failed alignments)
  12. qc_post_aligned_all_valid - True if all checks before alignment are True, alignment is only performed if this value is True
  13. qc_valid_length - True if the query is actually able to achieve the -x score even if the query is shorter/ longer
  14. qc_valid_nucleotides - True if only valid IUPAC characters are in the query
  15. qc_valid_pass_nthreshold - True if -n percentage of Ns in the query is not exceeded
  16. acgt_bases - number of ACGT bases
  17. iupac_bases - number of IUPAC bases
  18. non_iupac_bases - Number of non-IUPAC nucleotides in the query
  19. N_bases - the number of N bases
  20. length_query - the length of the query
  21. length_reference - the length of the reference
  22. LongestNGap - Lenght of the longest N gap
  23. Matches - the number of matches in the alignment
  24. Mismatches - the number of mismatches in the alignment
  25. query_description - query description, if available
  26. query_index - the position of the sequence in the query fasta input file (for multiple files the counter is not resetted)
  27. Date - the yyyy-mm-dd of the execution of the script

Note: max(sequence_lengths) is equal to max(length_query, length_reference).

  • nextstrain uses a quality threshold of < 3000 non-canonical nucleotides

ANI definition:


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