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Releases: rlipsc/polymorph


24 Oct 22:15
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v0.3.1 Pre-release


This release focuses on features for organisation and ease of use.

Perhaps the biggest change is that system types and initialisation now defaults to being output by makeEcs, rather than immediately in the module they're defined.

As a result, ECS code output is localised to a single module.

This leads to several improvements for larger projects where components, systems, and sealing could be in separate modules:

  • A single import to use the sealed ECS (the module with makeEcs).
  • Easier scope management for supporting imports.
  • No need to forward system types from where they're defined.

In particular, systems which use fields: blocks to initialise values are now in the same scope as the ECS output, which is much more intuitive.

Previously, these initialisation were output in the module that created the system definition (with defineSystem/makeSystem), which might not be the same module the system execution procedures were output (from makeEcsCommit/commitSystems), leading to both modules needing their support imports and increasing module dependence complexity.

To further help with this, ecsImport has been added. This instructs makeEcs to output import statements relative to the ecsImport call site, letting you organise system code and support modules together without worrying about where makeEcs is run.

There's also a lot of quality of life improvements, including aliasing components in systems, being able to register previously defined types as components, and better parsing of system bodies.


  • System registration and generation has been separated.

    Systems types and instantiation are now deferred to makeSystem by default.

    This means systems always know the full ECS when generated, which can be important if systems defined later claim ownership to components.

    Another advantage is easier use of imports, since systems are output in one place.

Breaking changes

  • The new default is to defer system types and instantiation to makeEcs.
  • The previous behaviour of outputting systems when first defined can be obtained by setting EcsSysOptions.commit to sdcInPlace.


  • access now works with the component type in systems and events so you can write ComponentType.access.

  • Component access/aliasing templates let you omit item when accessing components in systems and events:

    makeSystem "noItem", [MyComponent]:
        echo myComponent # Equivalent to 'item.myComponent'.

    You can rename these components using a colon in the system's requirements:

    makeSystem "noItem", [mc: MyComponent]:
        echo mc # Equivalent to 'item.myComponent'.

    Aside from increasing readability, this can be useful for component libraries that use externally defined components:

    template systemUsingComp*(userComponent: typedesc) {.dirty.} =
      makeSystem "useExternalComp", [uc: userComponent]:
          # As 'userComponent' is a type, to access its field in the
          # system's 'item' we'd have to either know the field name
          # already, or create a macro to generate the appropriate ident.
          # Now, we can just use the alias:
          echo uc

    You can control whether access templates are output per system with EcsSysOptions.itemTemplates.

  • Previously defined types can now be used as components:

    type MyType = object
    register defaultCompOpts:
  • Included an addComponents that operates on a whole system.

  • defineToGroup lets you wrap system definitions to a group.

  • ecsImport and ecsImportFrom replays imports in makeEcs using the call site as a path prefix. If this doesn't compile, the import is passed through verbatim.

    This allows systems deferred to makeEcs to naturally access other modules in a relative context, despite not being instantiated there.

    # subdir/module_1
    var foo*: int
    # subdir/module_2
    register defaultCompOpts:
      type Bar* = object
        value*: int
    # Record import relative to our current path
    # to be output later by 'makeEcs'.
    ecsImport module_1
    # This system uses our 'bar' variable from subdir/module_1.
    makeSystem "bar", [Bar]:
      all: echo foo + bar.value
    # module_3.nim
    import module_2
    # makeEcs now outputs 'import subdir/module_1'.
    makeEcsCommit "run"
  • System option for exporting fields by default.

  • onEcsCommitAll, onEcsCommitGroups, and onEcsNextCommit events that are triggered on system commit.

  • toTemplate lets you produce templates of live entities for use with construct.

  • A string operator for seq[ComponentTypeId].

  • More examples.


  • Off-by-one in componentCount.
  • Component template options weren't stored.
  • Inclusion test for multiple negated components.
  • Check for assertions instead of 'defined(debug)'.
  • Wrap 'addComponent' in a block for private ECS.
  • Logging now properly handles identity.
  • Removal of export markers for private scoped ECS now properly copies or passes through nodes instead of modifying in-place.
  • System block parsing no longer skips recursion for call/command nodes that don't match iteration blocks. Iteration blocks are now correctly processed when not at the system body root.


  • README documentation.
  • Restructured existing examples and added more comments.
  • Moved component removal to after events.
  • Better entity to string output.
  • Included {.line.} for 'item' templates for better line capture when debugging.
  • The expression is now displayed when components can't be parsed.
  • Better event spectrum coverage tests.
  • Handle non-idents in stream command parsing.
  • More line info logging for remove and delete.
  • Update message for unsafe item access.
  • Don't export ecsstatedb and pollute your namespace.
  • Line info is now included for system definitions when logging.
  • Handle nnkConv for findType.
  • ecsstatedb is now pregenerated and doesn't need to be rebuilt each compilation.
  • Drop call site path from import uniqueness check.
  • Mark 'curGroup' template as used.
  • Use the base type for metadata lists.
  • Use static analysis for unnested events.
  • 'deExport' now handles 'when', better unused hints.
  • Remove typetraits dependency.
  • No seqs with 'cisArray' and no storage when owned.
  • Remove imports and check within template.
  • When parsing systems the nodes are now checked recursively, allowing things like all blocks to be placed within other blocks.
  • Improve event error messages.
  • Add imports for os, times and cpuinfo only when used.
  • Allow the instanceType template within registerComponents for easier creation of instance fields from component types.
  • construct can now be passed a count when building multiple entities from a ConstructionTemplate.


09 Mar 15:18
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v0.3.0 Pre-release


This release introduces component negation for system requirements and improves events with compile time consistency checks.


  • System requirements allow component negation with the not prefix.

    For example:

    makeSystem "mySystem", [Comp1, not Comp2]: discard

    Negating components expands the potential design space for systems and allows the creation of mutually exclusive systems.

  • Events now perform static analysis to ensure that embedded mutations
    don't invalidate other events expected within a state change. This
    means you can more safely mutate entities within events whilst having
    your design checked when you compile.

    When event mutations clash with coherent state changes a reason is
    output along with traces for both the calling event stack, and the
    event that cause the clashing mutation.

    This means this is allowed:

          entity.remove MyComponent

    But this will raise a compile time error:

          entity.remove MyComponent
          echo "T"

    To turn this feature off, compile with -d:ecsPermissive.

  • System owned components can be declared with the own prefix.

    For example:

        makeSystem "mySystem", [Comp1, own Comp2]
  • all and stream blocks can now be used at any level of code within
    the system body and not just at the top level.

  • all and stream blocks will raise a compile time error if they
    have been embedded within themselves (this was not possible before
    as only the top level was checked).

  • Systems can now be defined with no components, allowing general
    purpose code in the system workflow.

    These systems have the same control features, like pausing and
    extracting to groups, but cannot use blocks that rely on entities
    such as all, stream, or add/remove events, since they don't have
    a groups field to store component data.

  • Events now allow accessing the current entity and system with
    entity and sys, as well as curEntity and curSystem.

  • The compile log (e.g., -d:ecsLog) now includes the source file and
    line of system definitions.

  • Errors for field/option mismatch with makeSystem now show the
    source file and line of the original defineSystem.

  • The error for attempting to redefine a system body with makeSystem
    now show the source file and line of the original makeSystem.

  • construct is now {.discardable.}.

  • construct(quantity: int) allows easier repeat construction of a

  • hasAny takes multiple component types and returns true when any of
    them exist on the entity.

  • fetch now supports returning multiple components to a tuple like
    the add operation.

  • accessType template returns the source component type from an
    instance type.

  • Improved error message when existing components are added.

  • Systems now have a type class for generic access to all systems.

  • register can be used instead of registerComponents.

  • makeEcsCommit performs makeEcs, then commitSystems.

  • Comping with -d:ecsLogDetails is now much, much more detailed.
    Operations now list their compile time invocation history, including
    output of entity mutations by operation.

  • EcsSysOptions now includes a threading field that, when set to
    sthDistribute, will set up a threads seq. This is set to the
    number of cores when the system is instantiated. Spawning threads and
    joining them is currently up to the user. Future versions will manage
    threads for you when this option is enabled.

  • All ECS operations are mangled with a unique identifier to avoid
    variable collisions and allow better operation nesting.

    Pass -d:ecsNoMangle to output code without appending a signature -
    Useful with -d:ecsLogCode to make the logged code easier to read.

  • Improvements and additions to test suites such as negation testing.


  • Streamlined and standardised events. More data access within events.
    All relevant events now include entity access, and component events
    involving systems now get access to the system row with item.

  • Events that have access to the item template now include asserts
    from assertItem and static ecsStrict checks.

  • Deleting the host/calling entity within an event is now a compile
    time error. Other entities within events can still be deleted.

  • has can now take multiple arguments: echo entity.has(A, B, C).

  • delete now parses the entity's components for systems to query,
    instead of querying all the systems.

    This makes destruction do work proportional to the number of run time
    components, instead of the number of compile time systems. This
    should mean delete is faster.

  • Only delete, construct and clone are now generated as procs, as
    these state changes are fixed to the design. All other state changes
    are lazily constructed through generics and macros.

    This offers two benefits: state changes can be interleaved in events,
    and there's no time wasted on unused procs during compilation.

    The original assumption with generating procs for 'commonly used'
    operations such as 'addComponent Type()' would save compilation time
    over running a macro to generate. However, the opposite was often
    true; compile times were increased by generating procedures that
    weren't used.

  • System compile time errors are checked before any macrocache updates.
    This change means you can use when not compiles(...) with defining
    a system without create partial system entries.

  • makeSystem for a system previously defined with defineSystem now
    ignores component order when checking matching requirements.
    Note that the definition order is still semantically significant when
    a system is first defined, as this informs the order of fields within
    the system's item type.

  • Component events that involve systems are announced as system events
    when echoRunning is active.

  • Component system events for missing systems create an error instead
    of using doAssert for a cleaner message.

  • Strict checking outputs specific messages for removing and deleting.

  • addComponent is now a template and only constructed when used.
    This reduces the need to build the code for every single combination
    of singular adds to an entity which can constrain compilation for
    some designs.

  • EcsSysOptions.assertItem for defaultSystemOptions is set to the
    value of compileOptions("assertions"). This means by default debug
    builds will assert valid state within item.


  • The onDelete event is now properly exported.

  • Multiple callback bodies such as onAddCallback,onRemoveCallback,
    now append to statements within a single callback proc instead of
    trying to compile multiple procs with clashing names.

  • onEcsBuilt is now reset at the end of makeEcs so that future
    ECS outputs using the same identity don't output the code again.
    Unfortunately this isn't possible with onEntityChange because
    state changes require access after makeEcs has completed.

  • Running systems at time intervals now applies to the entire system
    body, and will process multiple all or stream blocks.
    Previously, each all/stream would reset timings, meaning only the
    first block would be run.


  • Unused reference to inSystemDeleteRow macrocache entry.

  • commit has been removed from the intercept update event (see
    breaking changes).

  • Removed newEntityTemplate and initComponents as these are
    better supported by cl().

Breaking changes

  • ecsStrict is now the default. To disable strict item checking, pass

    Strict checking will produce a compile time error if a system/event
    context accesses item after doing something that has a possibility
    to remove/invalidate the host context. However, this check doesn't
    understand control flow or conditional statements, merely top to
    bottom evaluation, and fully run time bound operations such as
    construct, clone, transition, and delete count as affecting
    all components.

  • Similarly, trying to delete the entity that invokes an event will
    now halt compilation with an error. This feature helps maintains
    state integrity when events remove the calling entity.

  • The onUpdate event has changed:

    1. the commit proc has been removed. This event no longer allows
      ignoring data updates when commit is not called.

    The intention of the commit mechanism was to give the user explicit
    control over whether to apply given component data. There is an
    argument that this kind of mid-state data discarding invalidates the
    transactional data integrity of state changes for seemingly little

    The unique semantics of this event is also a potential for bugs,
    since if commit is not called, the data is dropped.

    Finally, the cancelling special case hasn't come up (anecdotally),
    and is probably better served with a specific buffer mechanism at the
    component level.

    1. this event is now only called when update is used on a component
      instance, and not in other contexts like new entities (for which you
      should use onInit or onAdd/onAddCallback).
  • Events are now performed separately from system/entity state changes
    and should be more lenient to embedding ECS state changes within
    events. Event invocation order may differ slightly from previous

  • Within caseSystem, the SystemTupleType template was renamed
    to ItemType.

  • Generation history for components with seq storage are now lost
    when the last i...

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13 Aug 21:08
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v0.2.2 Pre-release

v0.2.2 2021-8-13


  • EcsEntityOptions includes a strDefault option to define the default behaviour of the $ operator for entities and components between displaying component data and just listing components.


  • Updated mention of Container to Component in the
  • Updated link in for the Polymers spaceshooter demo.


  • Expanded the ECS introduction in the and some clean up of headings for options.
  • Nimble doesn't mention an invalid project structure.


07 Aug 22:49
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v0.2.1 Pre-release

v0.2.1 2021-8-7


  • Private scope ECS generation.
  • sysProcessed can be used within stream blocks to get the number of rows/entities the block has processed.


  • defineSystemOwner wasn't passing custom fields.
  • stream multipass and stream stochastic no longer produce unknown identifier errors.
  • stream blocks starting at the last item no longer skip to the first item.
  • Streaming owner systems no longer process an extra row.
  • Using non-component types in system requirements now produces a compile error.
  • useSet now includes components to the set.
  • The correct ident is now used internally for transition.
  • The onSystemAddTo and onSystemRemoveFrom events no longer fail to compile in rare cases.


  • System stream parameters can be unordered.
  • More features documented in the


  • Owner systems now index from zero. Owned component instances are valid when uninitialised, and fetch returns an instance set to -1 when it cannot find an owned component.


23 Jul 20:29
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v0.2.0 Pre-release

This release is a complete internal restructuring to support system-owned components, new events, and a macrocache backend. Whilst effort has been made to maintain the current API, there are some significant changes.


  • Ease of use:

    • Improved documentation to cover all library functionality.

    • Added code examples from documentation to the examples folder.

    • More descriptive error messages.

    • onEcsBuilt allows you to emit code after makeEcs has finished. This code can use entities and ECS operations, which can be useful for utility functions and setup for systems and libraries.

    • defaultComponentOptions, defaultEntityOptions, and defaultSystemOptions now have shorter aliases as defaultCompOpts, defaultEntOpts, and defaultSysOpts.

    • EcsEntityOptions allows selection of error response between assertions and raising exceptions.

  • Components:

    • removeComponent, addComponent, and fetchComponent can now be written remove, add, and fetch.

    • You can now remove multiple components in one state change with remove/removeComponents.

    • update/updateComponents supports updating multiple components with a ComponentList. Only existing components on the entity are updated, and others in the ComponentList are ignored.

    • typeName converts a run time ComponentTypeId to the string of the type it represents.

    • componentCount returns the number of components in use for a component type or instance type.

    • componentStorage lets you access the component's storage list.

    • registerComponents will ignore types with the {.notComponent.} pragma.

  • Systems:

    • You can now write code directly in the system body that is executed when the system is run. This means blocks are no longer a requirement of system bodies and you don't need to use start blocks to declare variables. Another benefit is you can write system code that respects the paused state even when not using any blocks.

    • The all and stream blocks are now expanded within the system body. This allows multiple passes and further processing such as running code in the body between these blocks.

    • Systems now allow multiple blocks of the same type.

    • Systems passed the same component more than once will now throw an error at compile time.

    • System fields can be defined with the fields: block within makeSystem. When a system has previously been defined with defineSystem, the fields: block is checked to match this definition.

    • Systems now support a stream stochastic: block to randomly select items to process.

    • Systems can be grouped to run as separate procedures with defineGroup. These systems are removed from the pending output of commitSystems and are instead emitted with commitGroup. It's a compile time error to emit groups with systems that don't have bodies defined.

    • The system utility clear allows deleting all entities in a system.

    • The system utility remove allows removing multiple components from all entities in a system.

    • expectSystems checks that an entity has a specific set of systems and will doAssert if the entity does not satisfy these systems.

    • systemsUsed returns a string containing the systems that would be used for entities with a particular set of components.

    • analyseSystem provides statistical analysis of the memory addresses accessed by a system.

    • Systems include a deleteList seq that will delete any entities added to it after the system has finished executing.

    • Systems include an id field with the system's SystemIndex.

    • caseSystem allows generic operations based on a run time SystemIndex in a similar way to caseComponent.

    • System options given to defineSystem are now checked to match options passed to makeSystemOpts.

  • ECS identities:

    • Multiple ECS may be generated separately using const identity strings.
  • System owned components:

    • Systems can now own the storage and lifetime of components they use with defineSystemOwner. Owned components are inlined into the groups field of the owner system and depend on the system row to exist. When iterating, systems access their owned components in order as contiguous memory and without indirection. Access to owned components from other systems is a single indirection.

      • A component type can only be owned by one system.
      • Adding owned components to entities without meeting the full component requirements of the owner systems will result in an error.
      • Removing owned components will cascade system removal for other owned components in the system.
  • System events:

    • When defining a system, you can now use added and removed blocks to let you process state changes in a system context. These events let you work with sets of components using item as if you were using an all or stream block.

    • Actions in added and removed are performed immediately as part of a state change such as add or remove, and not during the system's normal cycle.

  • onEntityChange event:

    • This event is triggered for any entity that has components added or removed.
  • Run-time construction:

    • Creating entities with construct and clone is now more efficient and flexible.

      • These operations are now generated as integrated state changes for dynamic sets of components.
      • construct builds a map of types then updates all relevant systems with a single generated state change.
      • Previously add was called for each component, with significant overhead.
      • clone can elide some validity checks.
    • The cl macro makes building a ComponentList easy by allowing both source component types and container types to be mixed, whilst handling the internal typeId field for you. This macro also reduces boilerplate by handling a single component without having to typecast it to Component.

    • construct and clone now call user events.

    • Post construction events allow adding/removing components.

    • transition allows state machine like switching of components between two ComponentList parameters.

  • Misc utilities:

    • high(entityType: typedesc[EntityId] | typedesc[EntityRef]) returns the highest EntityId currently in use.

    • EntityRef now has a valid template.

  • New templates within caseComponent:

    • isOwned returns a bool constant indicating if the component type is owned.

    • owningSystemIndex returns the SystemIndex of the owner system (or InvalidSystem if none).

    • owningSystem lets you access the component's owner system variable. Note that this is only generated for components that are owned.

    • componentData lets you access the component's storage list.

  • Compile switches:

    • ecsLog: output ECS generation progress.

    • ecsLogDetails: output detailed ECS generation information.

    • ecsStrict includes a check at compile time to catch accessing item after a remove or delete has affected the system (which can potentially change what item refers to).


  • The library now uses the macrocache module to store the ECS state instead of {.compileTime.} variables.

  • The default stream count is now 1, changed from 10.

  • User events now run outside of state changes instead of inside them, and can rely on the state being fully defined when invoked.

  • SystemIndex now starts from 1 and SystemIndex(0) == InvalidSystemIndex. Previously InvalidSystemIndex was equal to SystemIndex(-1). This change means default (zero) values are invalid, and SystemIndex achieves parity with ComponentTypeId.

Breaking changes

  • Removed:

    • makeSystemOptFields has been removed, as it is no longer needed. Fields in makeSystem and makeSystemOpts can be defined using the fields: block.

    • The tmpl and init macros generated for each component have been removed. Use the cl macro or manually initialise component containers with makeContainer.

    • The deleteEntity template within all and stream blocks has been removed as it offers no value over entity.delete.

    • reprocessRow has been removed. This is now handled automatically at compile time.

    • addFetch has been removed. This operation was ambiguous with addComponent and whilst addComponent returns a component instance, addFetch returned a ComponentRef, which is less useful. To obtain a ComponentRef from an instance, use the toRef template.

    • amFieldTemplates in EcsCompOptions.accessMethod has been removed as it did not offer any significant functionality over amDotOp.

    • Within caseComponent, the componentRefInit template has been removed as these initialisers are no longer present.

  • Changed:

    • System execution order: defineSystem now sets the order that systems are run by commitSystems, where previously this was set when the system body was defined by makeSystem or makeSystemBody. When no matching defineSystem exists, makeSystem appends order as before when it invokes defineSystem. This means the order must be defined before makeEcs is run, whereas before it could be defined after makeEcs.

    • commitSystems will only output systems that have not already been output and are not grouped.

    • The construction callback API has changed: constructor/clone callbacks now return a seq[Component] which is processed after the callback to ensure systems are correctly linked. Construction/clone callbacks should create the appropriate Component containers and add them to the seq result.

    • Within caseComponent, the template componentInstanceIds has been renamed componentGenerations.

    • The compile switch `debugSystemPerformance...

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Initial release

01 May 01:41
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Initial release Pre-release

Replace readme with manual