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How to Setup AutoReferee

authorblues edited this page Apr 22, 2013 · 6 revisions

If you are a server owner who would like to use AutoReferee on your server, this tutorial will explain putting AutoReferee on your server, configuring it, and maintaining the plugin for best results. In this tutorial, we will assume the following:

Step 1: Download and Install AutoReferee

First, be certain that you are using the latest version of CraftBukkit as well as the latest version of AutoReferee. When it is run the first time, a configuration file will be generated for you at /plugins/AutoReferee/config.yml. The default values for this configuration file are suitable in most cases. The server will now automatically manage any world configured with AutoReferee, as well as a library of maps for you to load. This library will be updated whenever the server restarts, to keep your map files up-to-date.

Step 2: Map Configuration Files

For maps that you install on your server to use with the plugin, you will either need to obtain a copy of the configuration file from the mapmaker, a file from our automated download utility, or configure the map yourself. Keep in mind that maps without a configuration file will not be managed by AutoReferee, which will allow you to use the plugin on a Multiverse server without conflicting with survival or creative worlds. The easiest and most common way to get maps that can be used by AutoReferee is to type /autoref maplist. Once you select a map from this list that you would like to load (greyed out titles are maps that are not installed, but are available from our repository), type /autoref load <mapname> to set it up.

Step 3: General Maintenance

If you intend to use the plugin to setup new maps, users will need the autoreferee.configure permission node. Referees will need the autoreferee.referee permission node. Admins in general can be given the autoreferee.admin node. Admins and referees can be added to a match like normal, and will be treated like a normal player while participating in a match. A list of all available commands can be found here, organized by permission node.

Step 4: Running AutoReferee

When a player is in a world managed by AutoReferee, they should type /matchinfo first to find out the map they are playing. This will also tell them the names of the teams. Type /jointeam to join a random team or /jointeam <teamname> to join a specific team. Players who leave the server before the match begins will leave their team. Once players are ready, type /ready to start the countdown. There is no need for setting the time or killing mobs, as the plugin handles all this.

Once the match is over, webstats will be generated for everyone to look at, and the plugin will disable itself after a short time has passed. To play again, restore the original copy of the map and play again.