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🚧 🔍 A MVC project

Things Lost and Found is a self-taught project to learn and improvements the knowledge about MVC architecture and different programming languages. It try developer a project the most real possible using these tools.

Technical Features:

  • Architectural pattern: Model–View–Controller (MVC).

  • Software Framework:.NET Framework 4.5.2.

  • Programming Languages: C# (C Sharp), Java Script, HTML.

  • Database: MSQlExpress 10.5, Entity Framework 6.1.3.

  • Other Tools: Google API, GoogleMaps LocationServices, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap.

  • Security: Authentication and Authorization. Use of Cookies. Crypto using Hash and Salt.

Using project in local:

  • Add file PrivateSettings.config in c:\ path with private data, example in this Resources folder.

Using project in hosting:

  • Put PrivateSettings.config in the root server.
  • Change the "connectionStrings" in Web.config.

Things Lost And Found Manual

Menu options:

  • ThingsLostAndFound --> Link to Home.

  • Search --> Search a Lost or Found Object in the DB.

  • Lost Object Menu:

Lost Object List --> Show the Lost Object List.

Lost Object Report --> Create a new Lost Object Report.

Lost Object Map --> Show a map with the Lost Objects.

  • Found Object Menu:

Found Object List --> Show the Found Object List.

Found Object Report --> Create a new Found Object Report.

Found Object Map --> Show a map with the Found Objects.

  • Object Map --> Show a map with the Found and Lost Objects.

  • About --> Information about the website.

  • Contact --> Contact Information.

  • Register --> Register a new user in the system.

  • Login --> Login Users.

How work User Login?

Create a new User.

1- The user into data to create a new user.

2- If the NameUser is not using, the process go on.

3- It create a new Salt using "getSalt" method in "Crypto.cs".

4- It create a new crypto password using the "Hash" method in "Crypto.cs" with tha Salt and password.

5- It store data in DB.

User Login:

1- The user into UserName and Password in Login View.

2- The controller "LoginController.cs" get these data, retrive the Salt for that UserName and use the method Hash in "Crypto.cs" to check the password.

3- If it´s right it go to Home Page.

Data Base Scheme

This schema diagram shows the core database tables and relationships between them.

alt tag


A MVC project






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