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Robin D. Knight edited this page Jan 1, 2015 · 14 revisions

Node Summary

Datum Value
Meta Package: hekateros
Package: hekateros_control
Node: hek_teleop
Platforms: target, host
Maintainer Status: maintained
Maintainer: RoadNarrows
Author: Robin Knight
License: MIT


The hek_teleop ROS node provides teleoperation of the Hekateros. The node sits between the Human Interface Device (HID) node and the hekateros_control node. It translates HID actions into Hekateros movements and operations.

See Teleoperation for teleoperation specifics.

⇒ Note: On target, the hek_teleop node is automatically started by init with the /etc/init.d/hek_teleop script.


Assuming the Hekateros has the default network hostname of hekateros, to manually start the node on a host:

$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://hekateros:11311
$ rosrun hekateros_control hek_teleop [--log=<level>] [--logfile=<file>]


The hek_teleop node subscribes to hekateros_control status and state published data to keep a coherent state of the robot. It also subscribes to the status and state of the HID node. Between these two sets of data, the appropriate user requests are translated into Hekateros actions and user feedback.

Depending on HID capabilities, hek_teleop supports:

  • haptic feedback related to motor torque
  • various HID LED patterns


--log=level Set RoadNarrows logging level. One of: off error diag1 diag2 diag3. TODO: integrate with ROS logging.
--logfile=file Log RoadNarrows logging to file. TODO: integrate with ROS logging.
--help Print help.
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