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Search without diacritics

Robert Spiegel edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

For some languages there is a common practice to write some text without diacritics marks or accents. Then for other sources you get texts with diacritics - e.g. when doing clips from web pages.

If you don't know what I'm speaking about then this probably doesn't apply to your language... :)

Then problem is when you want to search, you need to know how you written particular word or just try both variants. Solution is to remove the diacritic marks before search and before indexing of the note text. And this is exactly what this application option does.

As turning it on requires to reindex all notes, it is default off and needs to be turned on manually. If someone wants to try, then I can write some "how-to" text to do it.

It would look like this (example: searched for term without diacritic marks, but found both versions):

Similarly like in the Evernote web client: