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Robert Spiegel edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 15 revisions


  • For Ubuntu users its recommended to install from NixNote PPA (but of course the AppImage will also work)
  • Download AppImage file - e.g. stable build - NixNote2-x86_64.AppImage
  • Mark as executable
    • e.g. in file manager
    • or from command line by executing chmod a+x NixNote*.AppImage
  • See intro on -
  • Optional: rename & move to some directory on your $PATH
  • Optional: create desktop icon ... or you can even put in in $HOME/Desktop
  • In case you want to "uninstall" ... just delete the downloaded "AppImage" file
  • in case it doesn't work read further bellow - or check FAQ

Mark as executable

Example - using file manager

Example - chmod


Simple as: ./NixNote-2.1.0-x86_64.AppImage (or just double click on it in file manager :) )

Rename & move

Optional step: move somewhere you like it. You may remove the "AppImage" extension or let it there - its up to you. Has no influence on the app.

Command line: mv NixNote-2.1.0-x86_64.AppImage $HOME/bin/nixnote2

Desktop icon

Optional step: create desktop icon. Note following part is for Ubuntu, but should be similar for other linux distributions (there should be plenty howto's online..).

Create/open file $HOME/Desktop/NixNote2.desktop in your text editor (e.g. gedit). Suggested content:

Name=NixNote v2.1
Comment=NixNote v2.1
  • Download nixnote2.png - icon file and save it in the same directory as you put the AppImage binary.
  • Change /opt/bin/ in the example, to the real path where you did put the binary and icon